Sunday's Shoot - Alice
Another Sunday in the books with some great photos of Alice and her big size 11 feet. It was only a month ago that Alice and I spent the day on the beaches of New Jersey shooting four amazing sets (see blog: " Sunday's Shoot - Alice "). Well, today we spent several hours shooting two more amazing sets. Although there weren't any beaches this time around, we did elect to shoot on the waterfront - this time, in Baltimore City. I met Alice around 1 p.m. We made a quick stop for lunch because she had just gotten off work and we both hadn't eaten anything yet. From there we were off to the same location I used last week with Mindee (see blog: " Sunday's Shoot - Mindee "). Mindee did two sets last week, but while we were there, I saw several other locations that looked like they might make for good spots too. When I told Alice of the area, she said it sounded like a good plan. Being Labor Day weekend, I was worried that there might be a few people in...