New Models on the Way

Cierra is one of many coworkers, and former coworker who have modeled for me. The blog below was originally published in Soles of Silk's Column section. It was archived and then republished here in 2016. As many of you know, I don't hide from my foot fetish. Almost all my friends know I have one. Although I don't bring it up as a topic of conversation every chance I get, it does come up enough for it to be a regular topic of chat. Where I work I've been able to get a number of my co-workers to pose for me. Over the years I've worked with the following models found on this site: A'Kasjia , Abby , Amber , Autumn , Carmen , Cheri , Chloe , Cierra , Colleen , Kellie , Kelsey , Kimmie , Lauryn , Madison , Mindee , Precious , and Shayna . Now, not all of the girls currently work with me that are on that list, but a number of them do. Girls like Kellie are always talking to me about shoots she wants to do. In doing so, there have been girls who have overheard a...