Would Love to Shoot #13: Instagram Edition, Part 1 - Candy Crush, DeeDee, & Kit Kat

Damn! It's been over a year since my last entry into the "Would Love to Shoot" blog series. I couldn't tell you how many times I've gotten the idea to add a new entry, only to get sidetracked by something else in life. Well, it's back and is featuring a special theme. All the foot models you'll find in here will be ones I discovered through Instagram . You might have noticed that I added a "Part 1" behind the "Instagram Edition" in the title here. Confusing, I know! This entry is "Part 13" of the series overall, but is "Part 1" of ones that will carry an Instagram theme. I had a hard time figuring out who to put into this entry because I've come across numerous women on Instagram whose feet I'd love to shoot. And instead of breaking with the tradition of three models per installment, I figured I'd do another Instagram themed entry down the line. Now with all that mess out of the way, let me refresh e...