Soon to Join the 1K Club

When I was still making all my posts in the columns section of Soles of Silk , I would always do a model profile on a model when she reached the 1,000 photo mark. I came to call this the 1K Club. When a model reaches this mark, I like to give praise and take a look back at all the sets she has done from her debut to present. I've come to call this a "footgraphy," which is sort of like a filmography on a DVD. While this column isn't focusing on a model reaching the 1K Club, it is focused on the fact that very soon, three different models will be hitting the 1,000 mark. This is rare as there are only nine models who have done this. Those models include: Cierra (2,075), Mindee (1,858), Madison (1,832), Layla (1,802), Kellie (1,610), Wendy (1,421), Jordana (1,266), Kayleigh (1,241), and Kimmie (1,094).* So since 2004, when Soles of Silk opened, only nine models have accomplished this feat and now three more are set to join the club this summer. Off the ...