20 Years of Soles of Silk Retrospective: The 20 Most Photographed Models (10-1)
Sunday, December 29, 2024 marked a huge milestone for Soles of Silk - that being 20 years online. I began work on the site back in 2004 as a passion project after running several free sites in prior years. Little did I know, so many of you would love the content I shoot so much that I'd still be here doing this 20 years later. In the weeks and months to come, I will be sharing a series of blogs titled the "20 Years of Soles of Silk Retrospective," looking back through the countless memories I've made along the way. I ask you to join me in celebrating these memories, none of which were possible without all of you and the 114 different models who shared their feet with us.
Last week I published, "20 Years of Soles of Silk Retrospective: The 20 Most Photographed Models (20-11)." In it I listed the 11 models who made up spots 20-11 when it comes to the models with the highest photo count on the site. I say 11 because there was a tie for 12th place. If you haven't yet had a chance to check out the first installment of this two-part series, I highly recommend giving it a read.
As we move on to the Top 10, eight of these 10 models have 2,000 photos or more in their galleries. In several cases, 3,000 and beyond. Two have even managed to blow well past 3,000. And technically, all of these models, except one, are now part of the 2K Club (2,000 photos). Since these counts reflect Soles of Silk's 20 years online from December 29, 2004 - December 29, 2024, anything from 2025 onward is not included. One model is even a proud member of the 5K Club (5,000 photos) as of her most recent update. Let's not get ahead of ourselves though. Back to list:

10. Layla
- 1K Club
- 5 Appearances on End of Year Favorite Sets Lists
- 3 Time Star Model (2005, 2007, 2009)
In the early days of Soles of Silk I met a few models off of the site, One Model Place. One of those models, Layla, would go on to become one of the site's most photographed models for it's first decade. She sits only 58 photos shy of being in the site's 2K Club (2,000 photos), an accomplishment only a handful of models have reached over these 20 years.
Although I have not worked with Layla in over a decade at this point, she remains one of the site's Top 10 models when it comes to photo count. She was a Star Model for three of the site's first five years online. Since she was not one of the site's debut models in 2004, that meant she technically only missed being a Star Model in 2008 during that timeframe. Talk about making an impact!
Layla's work always spoke for itself. Having modeled for all types of work when we met, working with her was so easy. Her poses, facial expressions, and fun loving nature made her sets some of my favorites each and every year. I wish I was still seeing her in front of my camera today.
Although it's been ages since Layla and her alluring feet have been in front of my camera, we do remain friends. She moved out of state years ago, so we're many miles from one another these days. I don't know if she still models, but I do know that if she were to come back for even just one set to put her into the 2K Club, I'd be one lucky photographer.

9. Leah
- 1K Club
- 8 Appearances on End of Year Favorite Sets Lists
- 3 Time Star Model (2022, 2023, 2024)
By time you're reading this Leah will have joined the site's 2K Club. The photo counts here represent where each model stood on December 29, 2004, the day the site turned 20. Just a couple of days after, Leah was featured in the New Year's 2025 update. That set saw her join eight other models in surpassing the 2,000 photo mark. It goes without question that Leah has made a huge impact on Soles of Silk these last few years.
When Leah debuted, she did so shooting with our mutual friend, Alice. The two of them shot a couple of sets together and right away I knew I was going to love having Leah modeling for me moving forward. She was fun, very teasing, and had a bit of brat in her, which you all know I adore. Little did I know, just how MUCH brat this spitfire had in her.
While Leah has been busy shooting lots of fun, kinky themed sets in recent years, she's also brought a few friends my way. If it wasn't for Leah, there would be no Roulette Raye, Dakota, or a soon-to-debut, Mika. Leah loves shooting alongside other models and we will hopefully see her do so next to the likes of Kelsey and Audrey too.
Leah absolutely loves her camera time and at her current pace, her regular Star Model appearances and sets featured on my end of the year listings will only continue. I wouldn't be surprised to see her enter the 3K Club (3,000 photos) in record time with all of her unpublished sets and ones we're currently planning.
I know you're quite used to hearing me say this out loud, Leah, but, "Thank you!"
8. Kaycee
- 1K & 2K Clubs
- 2015 Wu's Feet Links Feature Model
- 9 Appearances on End of Year Favorite Sets Lists
- 2 Time Star Model (2015, 2020)
To think that I almost didn't ask this beauty to shoot for me... Seriously, when I first met Kaycee, we clicked. The thing was, however, she was shy, at least back then. So I figured if I asked her to shoot foot fetish photos for me she'd be quick to say no.
I waited a while before finally going for broke and putting it out there. Much to my surprise, she said yes and said I should have asked her sooner. She already knew about the site and thought I didn't want her to shoot. Sometimes you just have to shoot your shot. Thankfully I eventually did.
Kaycee's first shoot took place on a scorching hot day. She had some nerves going on too and I was hoping that she wasn't regretting her choice. She assured me that she had fun though and I was hoping we'd get to shoot again soon. We would, getting in a zombie schoolgirl set for Halloween, with a costume made by Felicia. Felicia had not shot for the site yet, but being there with Kaycee helped inspire her to shoot only a few months later.
After her first year Kaycee would become one of my regular models. She shot some amazing sets too, as you can see with her nine appearances on my end of the year favorite listings. She also managed a Star Model placement in her second year of shooting, then again in 2020 being one of the few models who shot during the pandemic.
Sadly, Kaycee has stepped away from shooting in recent years. We are still friends and chat from time to time. It was something she decided to do, but said she's not writing off a return. Should that day ever come, you best bet I'm going to find a bunch of time for her and figure out a ton of themes for her to do. I loved working with Kaycee and miss her dearly. I know a lot of you love her work too and I know you'd love to see her back. Fingers crossed!
7. Ava
- 1K & 2K Clubs
- 7 Appearances on End of Year Favorite Sets Lists
- 3 Time Star Model (2020, 2021, 2024)
Talk about a model who has made some large steps in climbing the up the list of the site's most photographed models in recent years! I wonder if it has anything to do with having big feet? All jokes aside, Ava went from a model who shot only a few sets for her 2018 debut to one of my go to models a few years later.
In 2020 Ava shot two sets when things began picking back up after the pandemic. They were easily her best ones to date, which surprised me after only shooting several sets with her in 2018 and none in 2019. She came back and owned that camera time and I took notice. It was 2021, however, where she really made her mark.
In 2021 Ava topped the Star Model listing shooting 13 sets. So many of them were amazing too. She had three appearances in "My Favorite Sets of 2021," including Honorable Mention, 4th Place, and 1st place rankings. That didn't stop in 2021 either. Nope. In the "My Favorite Sets of 2022," she earned 7th Place, 4th Place, and 1st Place rankings. Back-to-back first place finishes. Not bad!
Ava and I would miss a little photo time afterward, but in 2024 she returned and was the year's most photographed model. She shot a ton of great content yet again, including the set above with her pink sneakers. I freaking love that set!
I'm so happy that Ava came back to shoot in 2020 and for all the stellar work she's done ever since. When Soles of Silk celebrates 25 years online, I wonder how much closer she'll be to being the site's most photographed model? She's certainly taking big steps and doing so with her big feet. Okay, so I wasn't done with the jokes. It's okay though. Ava knows I love her big feet and makes sure I pamper them for her every shoot to prove it.
6. Abby
- Former 10 Little Piggies Model
- Appeared in Leg Show Magazine's Home Photos section
- 1K & 2K Clubs
- 2006 Wu's Feet Links Interview
- 6 Appearances on End of Year Favorite Sets Lists
- 2 Time Star Model (2007, 2022)
Speaking of pampered feet, these two have surely been pampered by me quite a bit in my lifetime. You see, Abby and I used to date back in our college days. She's the main reason my foot fetish photography began and took off in the direction that led to me being here today. This was back in the days of 35mm photography, but still, without Abby, I'm not sure if this all plays out the way it did.
It was certainly a different time back then. Not only did I have to have my photos developed, but in order to make my first site, I had to scan all those photos into the computer via a flatbed scanner and use some of the most basic site development tools. I think I was using Photoshop 3.0 back then too. Still, I made it work and Abby was the star of that site.
When it comes to Soles of Silk, Abby's debut was massively over with those who remembered her from my prior sites. She wasn't a debut model, but made her debut a month into the site's existence. I'm sure it caused a bunch of my earliest subscribers to join. Her wrinkly feet have always been popular with her fans.
In more recent years Abby and I managed to meet up a few times and get in some new sets. Of those recent sets, we based some themes off some of our life memories that meant something to us. Whether it was her art sets with markers and paint (we went to art college together and met in a high school art class) or her Bagel Bites pizza set (we used to eat them on the couch and watch movies), the themes all had little nods to our past.
It's been a little a little over a year since Abby and I last had a chance to shoot. My work schedule has me off just one day each week again, so I need to see what her schedule looks like. She's certainly overdue and I'm sure her fans would be happy to see her with some new content again. They always are and rightfully so! I mean, look at those wrinkles!
5. Cierra
- Soles of Silk Debut Model
- 1K & 2K Clubs
- 2009 Wu's Feet Links Feature Model
- 10 Appearances on End of Year Favorite Sets Lists
- 3 Time Star Model (2008, 2009, 2010)
Cierra was one of the site's debut models. She shot a few sets for me early on, but would eventually go on a tear shooting on a regular basis. From 2008-10, Cierra saw so much camera time and her sweaty feet, and boy were they ALWAYS sweaty, were the focus of so many of my favorite sets.
While Cierra was the fourth model to join the 1K Club (1,000 photos) behind Madison, Kellie, and Layla, she was the first to be inducted into the 2K Club in 2011. Not even Mindee beat her as she was second, joining her three years later in 2014. That just goes to show you how much of an impact Cierra had during that three year stretch. She moved right by all the models who once had the highest photo counts on the site and was the measuring stick until Mindee would go bonkers for many years afterward.
Cierra would eventually slow down when it came to shooting. She went a few years without shooting anything and I thought she was done. But out of nowhere, she returned. She claimed that she wanted to catch up to Mindee and take her title back as the site's most photographed model. While she did add to her photo count, she'd disappear again before she even made it to the 3K Club. Plus, two of her sets during her return were with Mindee, so both models added to their photo counts with those sets. She wouldn't even come close to taking the title that Mindee has been holding for ages now. Sorry about that spoiler, but I'm sure you all know who has shot the most.
I always adored Cierra and loved having her in front of my camera. I don't know what she's up to these days, but part of me wants to reach out to see what she'd think about a return. The worst she could say is no. But if she said yes...
4. Alice
- 1K & 2K Clubs
- 2016 Wu's Feet Links Interview
- 2017 Wu's Feet Links Feature Model
- 9 Appearances on End of Year Favorite Sets Lists
- 2 Time Star Model (2015, 2016)
Alice is one of the site's biggest stories, no pun intended. I worked with Alice for several years. She knew some of our mutual friends who shot for Soles of Silk, but wasn't sure I'd ask her or if she'd even want to shoot. Why? Well, it was because of her big size 11 feet and long toes. She never thought anyone would be into feet like hers. Boy was she wrong!
Obviously, I asked Alice to shoot and she said yes. She gave it a bit of thought and figured she'd shoot a couple of sets to test the waters. What she ended up doing was shooting more than 2,500 photos before she ended up stopping. I honestly figured she'd be shooting forever as much as she loved doing it. The fan response and fun she was having made her love this and I loved having her in front of my camera.
Alice did so many great sets over her time shooting for Soles of Silk. She shot one of my all-time favorite sets, her Wu's Feet Links feature set from 2017. She also had some awesome team ups with the likes of Mindee, Camille, and Leah.
Alice is certainly someone I'd welcome back with open arms if she ever decided to shoot again. I miss her big feet and she's the biggest reason I grew to love women with big feet. For that, I thank her!
3. Charlee
- 1K, 2K, & 3K Clubs
- 8 Appearances on End of Year Favorite Sets Lists
- 4 Time Star Model (2011, 2018, 2021, 2024)
I remember Charlee's first ever shoot like it was yesterday. She stuck a bunch of popsicles between her slender soles. It was a hot day and she said they felt good on her feet. What we didn't realize was that her feet were going to turn green from the food dyes. Long story short, we had to drive back to my house for her to clean her feet in the tub before we could shoot her second set. The water and wet wipes I had in my car wouldn't do the trick.
Fast forward a few years and Charlee is regularly shooting for me and her photo count is growing and growing. Then, all of a sudden, she moved out of state. I honestly thought I had shot my last set with her and I was super sad. I've always loved shooting with Charlee. She is fun and inspires me to be creative. I feel like we always end up with some great content whether it be the themes we do, or the locations we use. All that I thought was done.
Luckily for me, over the last few years, Charlee would make regular visits back home to see her friends and family. She'd always give me a day or two for us to meet up and shoot some new content. So even with her so far away for so many years, Charlee's photo count kept on rising.
In late 2024, Charlee moved back home and we managed to shoot a few sets in the final days of the year. Her Christmas set, shown above, which placed first as my favorite set of 2024, was one of those sets. More of them will be coming to the site soon and we're already planning on shooting again in the next few weeks. I just wonder how high Charlee's photo count would have been had she never moved?
2. Kelsey
- 1K, 2K, 3K, & 4K Clubs
- 15 Appearances on End of Year Favorite Sets Lists
- 4 Time Star Model (2016, 2022, 2023, 2024)
In early 2006 Kelsey was pushing her thick soles and plump toes into a birthday cake in my kitchen for her first-ever set. Why a cake, you ask? For her birthday... her 18th birthday to be exact. You see, Kelsey turned 18 the day before and was going to shoot that day, but she wasn't sure when she'd be free because she had plans with her grandparents. Not wanting to rush her first set, I decided to shoot with her the following day.
Early on Kelsey would shoot occasionally for me, usually doing a few sets each year. Having so many models early on, some of those sets would get held onto for long periods of time. That sure came in handy when she moved out of state for a period of time.
Fast forward a few years when she was back home and we fell right back into that same pace, shooting just a few sets every year. As a matter of fact, I didn't realize this until just now, Kelsey never had more than three sets published in a year from her 2006 debut all the way through 2021. All that changed in 2022 and in a massive way!
In 2022 Kelsey shot her first photos since 2016. Yes, even though she had sets published in 2017, 2018, and 2019, they were all ones I had been sitting on. In 2022, however, Kelsey went nuts. She modeled her adorable feet for 10 sets, eight of which were published that same year. Talk about a shift in gallery postings and of course, her photo count.
Moving into 2023, Kelsey demolished her 2022 stats by shooting 25 sets, with 14 sets being added to her gallery from the sets shot between 2022-23. Star Model titles and a bunch of appearances in my annual favorite sets of the year listings accompanied those sets too. Kelsey wasn't just shooting a lot, she was shooting amazing content.
While Kelsey did slow down in 2024 with the number of sets we were able to shoot, her gallery increased by it's largest number with 16 sets making their way online. She has become the site's main model and I couldn't be any happier. Seeing her barefoot in front of my camera has always been something I've enjoyed, now more than ever.
I can only imagine how many photos Kelsey would have had we had even a fraction of this pace in her early years. She managed to join the 5K Club (5,000 photos) here in 2025, which isn't reflected in the December 29, 2024 photo count shown above. With a bunch of unpublished sets left to publish and tons of ideas for future sets in the works, Kelsey's photo count is only going to continue to rise. Will it rise as high as our next model's? Time will tell, but I'm hoping it does.
1. Mindee
- Soles of Silk Debut Model
- 1K, 2K, 3K, 4K, 5K, 6K, 7K, 8K, & 9K Clubs
- 2010 Wu's Feet Links Feature Model
- 2016 Wu's Feet Links Feature Model
- 34 Appearances on End of Year Favorite Sets Lists
- 8 Time Star Model (2007, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022)
Was there every any doubt in your mind who you were going to see in first place? There shouldn't have been. Mindee took the title as the site's most photographed model over a decade ago and has never looked back. This debut model's stats double and triple that of the other's you've seen whether it is her photo count, placements on my end of the year favorite lists, or how many times she's been a Star Model. It just all comes with the territory and effort Mindee has put in over the years.
Up until recently, Mindee was the only debut model to still be shooting for the site. Sadly, she has stepped back from modeling, but knows the door will always be open should she decide to walk on through it with her heavenly size 8's. But let's not dwell on the fact that she hasn't been modeling as of late. Let's focus on the absolute shit ton of amazing things she did for 18 of the site's 20 years.
While I haven't talked in detail about all of the Wu's Feet Links feature sets all these models have appeared in during this two-part series, I have listed them under the accomplishments for each model who appeared in one. Mindee, however, is the only model to have appeared in two.
Wu asked for her in 2010 seeing all the amazing content she was starting to do. He saw her become the site's main model and knew she deserved represent Soles of Silk in that year's feature. For the second feature, from 2016, I went with Mindee again as a way to honor Wu, who had since passed. We shot the set not too far from his hometown of Washington, D.C. at National Harbor.
Something else Mindee has done more of than any other model is shooting with other models. Sure, her solo set count is astronomically high, but just look at all the team ups Mindee has been a part of, along with how many times she shot with each combo:
- Mindee w/ Cierra (3)
- Mindee w/ Mariah (1 - lost)
- Mindee w/ Marcy (3)
- Mindee w/ Emerald (5)
- Mindee w/ Kelsey (1)
- Mindee w/ Rein & Reese (1)
- Mindee w/ Shelby (3)
- Mindee w/ Rilynn & Noelle (1)
- Mindee w/ Melani (3)
- Mindee w/ Alice (1)
- Mindee w/ Shelby & Dolly (1)
- Mindee w/ Kaycee (2)
- Mindee w/ Reese (2)
- Mindee w/ Kaycee & Reagan (1)
- Mindee w/ Rein (2)
That makes a whopping 30 sets of 132 total sets Mindee has published in her gallery. In those 30 sets, 15 different models appeared with her in either a duo or trio set. Many of those team ups were also set up by Mindee when she introduced both her friends and family members to Soles of Silk. Yes, family members. Here's another fun list you might find fun:
- Mother: Shelby
- Grandmother: Dolly
- Sister-in-Law: Rilynn
- Cousin: Mariah, Marcy
As you can see, Mindee fully enjoyed shooting for Soles of Silk and having others she loved and cared for join in on the fun. I could keep going on and on about her, and have many times over the years. There's just so much to get into and praise about Mindee and her work here. She's easily the model most associated with Soles of Silk. Even today I constantly get retweets and comments about older posts, or throwback posts where Mindee is featured.
She has so many fans and I will always count myself as the president of her fan club. I miss her and miss working with her. Her fans surely miss her too and are always asking if she will be coming back. Hopefully one day fellas, but I can't say for sure if that will ever happen.
All the memories I made with Mindee while shooting, going on day trips, or even mini-vacations, will always be some of the best times I had running Soles of Silk. Without Mindee and her work, Soles of Silk wouldn't be what it is today. We haven't talked as much as we used to, but that happens with life sometimes. I still adore her. Always have, always will. She's been an amazing friend to me over the years and someone I can always lean on when needed. That perhaps is the best thing to come from all of this - our time as friends.
And with that, Soles of Silk's 20 Most Photographed Models comes to its end. All the women featured in this two-part series are amazing and I owe them a ton for all of their amazing work. Thanks for coming along and celebrating them all with me. And be on the lookout for more 20 Years of Soles of Silk Retrospectives coming your way.
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