Thursday's Shoot - Kelsey

For the first time this year, Kelsey shot new photos yesterday. It was long overdue and I was so glad to have her barefoot in front of my camera again. If you haven't checked out the shoot blog from Wednesday, be sure to give "Wednesday's Shoot - Kelsey," a look before moving on. For the rest of you, keep on reading!

As I said in yesterday's blog, Kelsey and I had plans to meet up again today. I was hoping to get in another two or three sets, if possible. While we did manage to do two, it took us a good while to find a place where we felt we fire off 70 or so photos without too many wandering eyes, especially ones sitting in police cars. More on that below.

Set 1: More Sneakers, This Time w/ Socks

Once again Kelsey brought along a new pair of sneakers for today's sets. This time around, however, I had her also wear socks. I know a lot of people love sneakers with no socks, but I also know there are a ton of people who love socks. Since Kelsey was already wearing them when we met up, I told her to go with what she had on to kick things off.

Before getting started, Kelsey made a quick stop at a store. When we left, Kelsey mentioned that we could shoot at a park right across the street. With there only being a couple of baseball fields there, I wanted to see what else we could find first. Plus, there was a sheriff parked on the lot overlooking the fields. I didn't want the hassle if would decided to come down and ask questions.

Long story short, we went to several other parks in the area and some of those also had sheriffs parked in their lots. The others didn't have anywhere to sit down and shoot. We kept striking out, pun intended with the earlier baseball fields. 

The best part of this whole ordeal was that we ended up back at that park Kelsey mentioned now a whole hour earlier - the park with the baseball fields. The sheriff was still there, but left when we pulled in. Toward the end of our shoot, however, he or another sheriff pulled back in and parked right next to my car. I figured we might get some questions about what we were up to.

As we prepared to head out, the sheriff pulled left the lot. With him gone, we sat back down real quick and did a video clip. From there, it was onto another park we figured would be empty. And when we pulled up, a state trooper was parked there. We kept on driving and I wondered if we'd find another spot to shoot before I had to be at work.

Set 2: Go, Go, Go in Pink Sandals

Ultimately I decided to go to a park we used last year. I was really running short on time by time we arrive, so we had to go, go go. We found a bench off to the side in the sunlight and shot one of the quickest sets I've ever done. I really didn't want to go home having shot only one set, so we made it work. And it came out pretty good too all things considered.

As for the theme here, it doesn't have much of one to be honest. It has Kelsey wearing a pair of sandals with bright pink straps. It's that simple. It was something quick and something sandal fans will surely enjoy. And thankfully, no cops were parked nearby for a change.

Although today was hard when it came to locations, I still had a great time being in front of Kelsey's thick soles and plump toes. We're still tossing around the idea about squeezing in a few more sets next week too. Hopefully we won't run into so many roadblocks if we're able to make those plans work. It would also be nice if it was a slight bit warmer and little less windy too. Oh well. That's shooting outdoors in October for ya!

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