My Favorite Sets of 2017

It's the end of 2017 and it's time to once again list my 10 favorite sets of the year. These blogs are always fun, but challenge me beyond belief! Trying to compile a year's worth of content into just 10 favorites and then take those 10 and rank them in order... Yeah, it's hard! This year I tried a new approach. I began compiling my list in June in draft form. Every few updates I'd return and add in new sets and bump out others. It seemed to be working a little better for me doing it that way, but the hardest part still remained. What order to put the 10 favorites into? Well, I think I finally got it - even though I changed a set here last minute before publishing. Ugh... I loved so many of them! Before I get into this year's list, I want to remind everyone that they will not see Alice's 2017 Wu's Feet Links feature set, " The SK8R Gal Who Wears Size 11 Skates ." I never include my feature sets on these lists because they are already some...