Soles of Silk Facts - 2011

Cierra is Soles of Silk's most photographed model. The blog below was originally published in Soles of Silk's Column section. It was archived and then republished here in 2016. When I used to do some writing for a local newspaper I used to be in charge of the arts/entertainment section. I ran a regular column there also and sometimes it was just hard to come up with a theme, subject, or topic of interest that I thought people would enjoy reading. To be quite honest, sometimes I just talked about what everyone else was - like an awards show or celebrity mishap. Other times I ended up doing a repeat column similar to something I had done in the past. The same holds true here. A couple of days ago I remembered a column I wrote a few years ago where I listed some fun, totally meaningless facts about Soles of Silk and its models. And to be totally honest, that might have been the second time I had run such a column. Well, now it is time to do it yet again. This time I dec...