
Monday's Shoot - Abby

The last two days of photography had an interesting dichotomy when it came to foot fetish pictures. Yesterday saw the introduction of the site's newest model, Ashlyn . And today's shoot was with the model who first posed in front of my old 35mm years ago, Abby . When I realized this whole rookie/veteran aspect I tweeted ( @SolesofSilk ):  "Had a great day yesterday with my newest model Ashlyn . Today I get to have another great day with my original model, Abby !" Today was also the first time this year I've been able to shoot with Abby . The set theme, however, was promised to her over a year ago. Each year I do a Ravens themed set and around the time I shot Olivia's Fantasy Football set ( Sample 01 / Sample 02 ) last summer, Abby expressed a desire to do one. I told it was hers if she wanted it and she reserved it right then. The day started off with me running out to a sports memorabilia store to pick up a few extra items for the shoot. Our origin

Sunday's Shoot - Ashlyn (New Model)

When I woke up on Sunday I was very excited. I was set to shoot with a new model - one with a different look than most of the girls you'll find on Soles of Silk . "Punky" might be the best term I could use to describe her, but I'm not even sure if that is accurate. Whatever the term, this new model, whose name is Ashlyn , certainly has a style all her own. But before I give the details of the day's happenings, a little back story is in order. Some time ago I was at work when this girl with bright red hair came in. She made me do a double take. I found her to be really cute and ended up telling one of my coworkers. He informed me that she's the older sister of one of our younger coworkers. I left it at that since our coworker is young and I didn't want to ask him to introduce put me to his sister. I thought it might be better not to bring that up at work. Months go by and late one evening at work I'm talking with Ryan during some downtime. I mentio

Soles of Silk F.A.Q. - Customs & Personal Items

In this entry to the Frequently Asked Question (F.A.Q.) blog series, I'm going to answer two questions I've been getting regularly since the site opened in the final week of 2004. Both are something a lot of sites do, but Soles of Silk does not. Below I'm going to explain why. Frequently Asked Question: Do you take orders for custom clips/sets? While I always take recommendations for ideas and themes for sets, I do not accept money to shoot either customized sets or clips for anyone. I've heard there is good money involved in custom orders, but with the frequency that I shoot most of my models, I would never feel right taking someone's money and not having the product done in a timely manner. Many of the models on the site only shoot several times a year and we do a handful of sets each time we meet. Working a regular full time job, I don't have the ability to schedule shoots except for a few days a week. Even then, I also have other things in life g

Soles of Silk Update - August 14, 201

This week's update includes the following items: Photos  - Alaynah shows off her soft Indian soles and black pedicure along a river (71 images) Video  - Rachel DD reads some zombie themed graphic novels while in her zombie pajamas (154 MB - 1080p HD) Video Capture Contributions  - Alexis Grace shows off her legs and feet in some nude stockings while in bed  (21 images) Sample 01 Sample 02

Soles of Silk F.A.Q. - How/When Sets are Posted

It is time to start yet another little series on the site's blog. In attempts to try and answer some of the more popular questions that I'm often asked, I'm going to periodically tackle them in Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.) blogs. To kick off the series, I'm going to answer a question I've been getting quite often lately with the abundance of all the "Today's Shoot" blogs that have been added to the site. Frequently Asked Question: How do you determine which sets go up and when? The above question is often posed to me in numerous ways. Most often it is posed in a way as to ask when someone's favorite model will be making her next appearance. There is no simple answer to this question, however, as many factors are often involved. The following list is what I take into account when posting sets onto the site. They're not strict guidelines by any means, but things that I think about when picking what sets will be going up: Is the