Tuesday's Shoot - Kaycee (New Model)

Before 2014 began I had a vision to debut 10 new models on Soles of Silk . I thought it would be a neat way to celebrate the site being online for 10 years. Sadly, a number of potential new models have failed to come through, but over the last two weeks I've been lucky enough to have two of my personal friends pose for their first time. Last week it was Bobbie posing her size 8.5 feet - which you will see featured on the site this very week in her Fourth of July set. And today I shot the beautiful and super-sweet, Kaycee . I've known Kaycee for about a year and the term "super-sweet" doesn't even really do her justice. She's probably the nicest person I know - one of those people you can't ever see being mad at. In addition to that, she's also very quiet. For the longest time we would work together, exchange some small talk, but that would be about it. Recently, however, I've seen her opening up just a little bit more. When I made mention of S...