Monday's Shoot - Roxy

This summer I've seen quite a bit of Roxy. You wouldn't know it though as this was our first time getting to shoot this year. For the last several months the two of us have been out and about doing road trips here on the East Coast. Although we always plan to toss in a shoot or two during those trips, time restraints usually leave us with little or no time to make them happen without sacrificing our travel plans.

Well, yesterday was different. We got an early start, stopping at the nail salon and shooting three sets before it got too hot outside. We did have plans for afternoon and evening, but they were much closer to home than some of our previous adventures.

Anyhow, enough about all that. You're here to see Roxy barefoot and I won't hold you back from that any longer. Here are the three sets we shot yesterday, along with some notes from each.

Set 1: Feet on Bench, Boobs on the Water

Such a weird title, I know! My reason for it has to do with not just my photo shoot with Roxy, but one that appeared to be happening on a Sea-Doo in the river. While Roxy was kicking off her flip flops and spreading her toes, two women were floating around on a Sea-Doo off in the distance. They were close enough for us to hear and see a little bit of what they were doing, however.

About a third of the way through this first set, both Roxy and I stopped and looked over at the two women. One appeared to have top off with the other taking photos of while on the water. This got a laugh from the both of us and we remained nosey of their actions throughout the rest of our shoot.

I wonder if any other fun shoots were taking place around the park that were out of sight from us? Ha!

Set 2: Oh Hey Dude!

During one of our recent trips Roxy ended up having to buy a pair of shoes in a gift shop due to her flip flops not being the most ideal footwear for our choice of activities. I told her to bring them along for this shoot so she could get some more use out of them. Roxy would much rather wear flip flops or sandals, so this was probably only the second time she ever slipped her feet inside of them.

And if you're wondering, there were no topless photos going on in the background during this set. They had left by time this set began. Speaking of boobs, however. Roxy's look a little pronounced up there...

Set 3: Slippery Soles

Over the last couple of years I have tried to get every one of my models to shoot an oily feet set. They have been pretty popular with everyone and it's not hard to see why. 

My aim was to shoot Roxy's oily set last year, but we ended up switching our plans around, doing a lotion set that day instead. Oh well! Better late than never. I'm kind of glad we waited as I do like this location better for it than where we would have done it last year.

As you can see, Roxy's curvy soles got nice and slippery in this set. Between all the oil on her feet and collecting on the bench below, Roxy was sliding around a bit posing her feet for this one. Her legs were quite oily below the knee by the end as well.

Roxy and I will surely find time to meet up again this summer and into the fall for even more photos. We have an idea or two yet to shoot, some of which we will save for indoor sets. I know you will all love those and their fun themes. Until then, enjoy Roxy's three newest sets, one of which will be making its way onto the site here soon.

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