Sunday's Shoot - Ava

It was 12 days ago when I wrote my first non-update blog in some time. It was titled, " 2020 Has Sucked, But it's Time to Shoot ." In that blog I mentioned that I have reached out to a number of the site's models about setting up some shoots. That very next day, I was able to shoot two amazing sets with Kaycee , which you can also read about in the blog, " Wednesday's Shoot - Kaycee " from August 19, 2020. Well, it took a little bit longer than I had planned, but I got in another shoot today, this time with Ava . It had been two years since our last shoot, so she was long overdue. She, like a few other models who you should see shooting soon, all had to be pushed back due to rain and extreme heat this last week. Sadly, both Carmella and Allie might have to be pushed back again here on Monday and Tuesday. The forecast is calling for heavy rain in this region to start this week. Oh well, at least I got in Ava today. Her sets turned out so well. I coul...