How are Soles of Silk & I Fairing Amid the Covid-19 Outbreak?

It's trying times right now, but good content is slated to hit the site in the weeks to come.

To say we are in trying times right now would be an understatement. People are sick and even dying. Many of us live in regions where we have been asked to stay at home. Some have lost jobs and some companies have shut down. As for me, I'm staying indoors, but my job allows me to still work. I'm working less hours, but the added stress of social distancing and still coming in contact with the public makes some days a struggle.

At the start of this whole Coronavirus outbreak,  I didn't know what to think, honestly. On one news station I'd see people telling me to practically panic and prepare for the worst. On the next channel, I was being told that this isn't that big of a deal and more people die every day of other common ailments. So what did I do? Well, business as usual.

Over the following weeks, however, things started to sink in. Restaurants were shut down, unless for carryout or delivery. Mindee and I actually met up for lunch only a few hours prior to the shut down. We had planned a lunch date and even a possible shoot weeks prior. The weather was cold, however, so we scratched the shoot. Still, we wanted to see one another and made it happen hours before we could no longer do so. 

I also met up with Melani that same day, but once again, it was too cold for photos and we just hung out and talked about all the craziness that was going on. Over a foot rub, naturally.

Since that day, the only other face-to-face (for a lack of better terms) I've had with any of my models has been the ones at work. I've been in contact with a good many, however, and they're like the rest of us - they can't wait until this is all over with and they can go back to their lives. I know both Jasey Rae and Kaycee have expressed wanting to shoot again as soon as possible once this passes. Kaycee has actually been my only shoot of the year, thus far (see blog: "Monday's Shoot - Kaycee"). We all just have to wait at this point.

We're now more than three weeks in on our self-isolation request from state and local government and the only thing I do is go to work and come home. Well that, and I've been playing a lot of World of Warcraft (WoW). Blizzard did good with giving everyone bonus XP and I've been leveling up my much neglected Alliance characters - some of which were my mains all the way back in Vanilla WoW. For all you non-WoW players, sorry about the nerd speak. I'm just reporting on what I've been up to.

With all that said, if you're wondering what the state of Soles of Silk is amid this crisis, it's actually pretty good. Since I began the site I have always tried to keep an abundance of unpublished sets ready to go in case of an emergency. I always envisioned those emergencies being something along the lines of a camera breaking, or me breaking a leg or some random thing. Thankfully, I've never broken anything more than a finger in my life, which was all the way back in high school. Still, I've always wanted to be prepared just in case!

I guess it goes without saying that I would have never thought that my backlog of unpublished sets would come in handy during a viral outbreak. I can't say that I would have ever thought I'd live through something like this, even in my worst nightmares. Even past outbreaks like the Swine Flu, SARS, etc. always seemed far from home. This Covid-19, however, is in everyone's region across the globe.

So at this time, Soles of Silk is still in a good place when it comes to future content. My biggest concern right now only lies with video clip selection. Having so much content of Mindee in the can means that a lot of the clips feature her. While that's not a bad thing at all, I like to try to publish my different models on a regular basis. With the "May I Have More Mindee, Again" event scheduled for May, that will let me get a few of those clips up onto the site featuring Mindee. Then I can get the other models into the mix afterward. Should this last for several months though, my clips may become depleted. Sets, however, I should be okay with for the foreseeable future. 

Speaking of sets, one of the amazing upcoming sets coming in May is shown above. That's the site's 2020 Mother's Day update, once again featuring Mindee and her mom, Shelby. I want to have them featured annually for Mother's Day moving forward. What do you think?

I wish everyone the best during this time. I know a lot of people are struggling. It's why I launched the Purple Ticket Contest for the members of my site last week as a way to say thank you and maybe prolong some of the memberships of those who have supported me. I am currently thinking of some non-member contest ideas too, as I know many of you look forward to them. Keep an eye out for any news of future contests here on the Soles of Silk Blog.

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