My Favorite Sets of 2018

At the end of every year I have to make some hard choices. Each December, it's become an annual tradition for me to pick my 10 favorite sets from that year. It's never easy. Publishing at least one set per week means I'm leaving off some good sets that just missed the cut. By no means are those sets bad, it's just I had to pick 10. This year also saw numerous weeks where two sets were published, so that made it even tougher with more sets to chose from. Unlike the annual Star Models blogs where I talk about all the sets a model shot during a calendar year, this blog focuses on the ones published. Some were indeed shot in 2018, but others I've been waiting to share for a year or more now. It's not always easy getting all the sets onto the site. I have so many models and themes to rotate through each week, sometimes the good ones sit there just waiting to make their big splash. With all that being said, let's take a look at My 10 Favorite Sets of 2018 on S...