My Favorite Mindee Sets of 2016

While writing the December 26, 2016 blog titled, " My Favorite Photo Sets of 2016 ," I came up with idea to do a spin-off blog that counted down my favorite sets featuring Mindee from 2016. Since I did a Monthly Mindee update this year, she had a ton of material to chose from. I think it's only fitting to dedicate an entire blog to her and all just the 13 sets she did throughout 2016. And in this blog, I will also be counting her Wu's Feet Links feature set, " The Ferris-t of them All ." Before I begin, I must say that there isn't a bad set in this bunch. I love all of them. Ranking them was not easy! All kinds of factors went into why I placed each set where I did. Ask me to do this set again at some point, I will honestly say that there is a good chance that I might order them differently. Anyhow, onto the list: 13. Rainy Day Lifeguard Stand Published Date : November 30, 2016 # of Photos in Set : 65 One of the more recent updates of M...