2012 Soles of Silk Trivia Contest Results

The blog below was originally published in Soles of Silk's Column section. It was archived and then republished here in 2016. Well, another year has gone by and another trivia contest is in the books. The turn out wasn't as good as I expected with having advertised the hell out of it on the Soles of Silk Twitter page. Nevertheless, those of you who took part did pretty well overall. The two 3-month winners both scored a 99/100, so there were no entries this time around that had a perfect score. The five 1-month winners scored a 91, 83, 81, 74, and 71. Those who did not win were still awarded with the five early preview photos from sets of the following models: Olivia , Aliza , Jamie , Nikki , and Aspen . Now onto the correct answers of this year's questions. All answers appear in bold with a percentage of those who got each question correct. 1-Point Questions (5 Total Possible Points) 1. What model posed in a Wu's Feetlinks Feature Model set in 2012? KAYLEIGH (...