Indian on the Path

Wendy and I had someone observing our shoots for most of the afternoon. The blog below was originally published in Soles of Silk's Column section. It was archived and then republished here in 2016. This week had one of the strangest things that has ever happened to me while I was out doing a photo shoot for Soles of Silk. I was meeting up with Wendy this past Sunday to take some more photos and her boyfriend had suggested a local park for a possible location for its nice scenery. Wendy and I took the advice and headed out to the park. Once we parked we began walking a trail back to a small waterfall that she though would be perfect for her first set. Well, on the way back to the waterfall I look up and see a wooden spear with colorful feathers and what looked to be a squirrel's tail attached to it. Then I noticed the person holding it. A white male with a feathered headband, rawhide vest, blue jeans and tennis shoes was standing there as if he were almost monitoring...