All New Soles of Silk Blog Format

This is the newly redesigned Soles of Silk Blog. Man! It feels good to finally get some time to sit down and tend to something that I've been wanting to tackle for a little while now. The best thing, however, is that I did so much more than I intended to do and learned a few things along the way. That's never a bad thing. So, this blog has been sitting here with the same design and format for close to two years now. Well, I'm happy to say that is no longer the case. What I aimed to be a cosmetic redesign turned into a total overhaul - one that I think will benefit those coming to this blog as well as the site itself. Here are some of the changes and additions that were made: I really tried my hardest to include this photo in the blog's background. Design Gone is the black background and purple footprints. While I did love that look when I implemented a couple of years ago, I grew tired of it as of late. Initially I set out to put a the photo of Mindee a...