15 Year Celebration - Mindee: There From the Beginning
This blog entry is part of an ongoing series running throughout 2019 that will take a look at all things Soles of Silk in celebration of 15 years online.
On this day, I say happy birthday to Soles of Silk's most photographed model. I say happy birthday to the one and only model who has presented her feet to my camera since the site's debut. I say happy birthday to someone who has spared countless hours, even days at a time, to go out and shoot all over the United States, usually while visiting amusement parks. Today, I say happy birthday to one of my best friends. I say happy birthday to Mindee!
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The second of two sets shot for Soles of Silk's launch featuring Mindee. |
Chapter 1
Uncertainty From the Start
Uncertainty From the Start
I would have never expected back in 2004 that Mindee would go on to do as many photos as she has at this point - 6,382 at the time of this blog. It's been well documented at this point that she wasn't really too keen on the idea of having photos of her feet taken when I asked her 15 years ago.
"Back in 2004 I had this friend that had this odd fetish. To be honest, I had never heard of it and although I had no ill thoughts, I couldn't imagine seeing pics of my toes and soles! Because I love him, I reluctantly agreed that if he really needed me, I would help out. I should've known that I would be 'needed' for the pics!" Mindee said in the 15 Year Celebration - My Memories interview that was published earlier this year.
"Back in 2004 I had this friend that had this odd fetish. To be honest, I had never heard of it and although I had no ill thoughts, I couldn't imagine seeing pics of my toes and soles! Because I love him, I reluctantly agreed that if he really needed me, I would help out. I should've known that I would be 'needed' for the pics!" Mindee said in the 15 Year Celebration - My Memories interview that was published earlier this year.
Naturally, I was fond of Mindee's size 8's immediately. I had seen them a time or two in flip flops leading up to her first shoot, but I never got those long gazes upon my favorite part of a woman's feet - her soles. When we met up for her first shoot, I fell in love with them at first sight. They were so soft and smooth. I loved the slight curve of her arches and the roundness of her toes. They were adorable. All I could think to myself was that I hope I could talk her into doing some more photos moving forward and she wouldn't be a one and done. Boy, did I ever get that wish to come true!
"Once I had the first shoot, I realized it was really fun and there wasn't anything odd about it. Then I got some feedback and that made it all the worthwhile. I love this memory and can't believe that was so long ago! I'm so glad I caved and you persuaded me," Mindee said.
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Mindee came to me, wanting to shoot a set in the snow after work closed early in 2005. |
Chapter 2
A Chilling Proposal
The change in Mindee's mindset was seen almost immediately after the site's December 29, 2004 launch. In early 2005, Mindee and I were stuck at work on a day a snowstorm was slated to hit the region. Our boss decided to close early as the snow began to fall. Mindee looked at me and said that we should shoot a set in the snow. I looked at her like she was crazy, but then told her that my camera was out for repairs and that it would be dark soon. That's when Mindee told me that her mom had a digital camera and we could light a scene with some car headlights. I could really tell that Mindee wanted to shoot this set, so I said sure.
By time I made it over to Mindee's mother's place, it was dark. We were in the middle of the woods and I had a feeling that this was going to be a difficult set. Still, we pushed through and made it work to the best of our ability. I still tease Mindee to this day about doing a new snow set, to which she usually tells me no.
"I will never forget the feeling of squishing my feet in the freezing snow! Afterward, I will never forget sitting on the counter with my feet in the sink, defrosting them!" Mindee reminisces in her 10 for 10 Interview.
She isn't lying either. She wanted to stick her feet right into some hot water, but her mom told her that was a bad idea. I told her to start off with cold water and gradually warm it up more and more. She did just that, but kept rubbing her feet and adjusting the water. That's when I moved in to help. I told her to turn the knobs and I'll rub the water on her feet. You didn't really think I'd offer to turn the knobs, did you? Nope. I loved those size 8's back then too and took any chance I could get to pamper them - even when they were clammy and cold.
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Mindee was in one of two Christmas themed sets to close out 2005. |
Chapter 3
Confidence Continues to Build
Once the weather began to warm in 2005, Mindee and I would meet up a couple more times to shoot. We shot a set at a downtown, waterfront location with numerous people around. It didn't seem to bother her at all, which was nice to see. This was also the day that she did her first team up, bringing along her cousin, Mariah. Sadly, that shoot was lost on an old computer, although the clip survived and can be found in the Video Clip Archives.
A few months later, I asked Mindee to do one of two different Christmas themed sets to close out 2005. Her set would be a solo set that focused on her wearing various pairs of Christmas themed socks, with the other belonging to Kimmie and Chloe. Their set was themed to baking Christmas cookies. Both holiday themed sets came in at over 100 photos and were the first sets to ever contain a triple digit photo count. Just one more record on Mindee's long resume.
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Mindee's first set back following the birth of her first child. |
Chapter 4
A Slight Pause
The year 2006 would be the only year Mindee would go without having an update on Soles of Silk. The reason why? Starting a family. When she was ready to go in 2007, however, that's when Mindee began to ramp things up, albeit at a much smaller scale than she does today.
Her first set back, which can be seen above, saw her showing off those smooth size 8 soles at Baltimore's Fort McHenry. I still remember heading out with her to shoot this set. I was so excited to have her back and she was also pumped to make her return.
In 2008 Mindee's first of three team ups with Cierra was shot. This was the first team up for either model published to to the site, although Mindee did have the one with Mariah that was lost three years prior. Getting these two together was so memorable though because all three of us had worked together and were good friends. The chemistry was there and the sweaty foot fun that ensued was something that I will never forget!
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Mindee was featured in the March 2010 Wu's Feet Links Feature set, "Piggies & Power Girl." |
Chapter 5
A "Powerful" Appearance on Wu's
Toward the end of 2009, Wu, of Wu's Feet Links, came to me looking for a 2010 feature set for March. As I always had, I jumped at the chance to have another one of my models featured and this time, I suggested Mindee because of all the great sets she had been shooting since her return from having her first child. Wu love the choice as he was a fan of her and her size 8 feet since the site's debut. When I approached Mindee about the idea, she was flattered and agreed to it immediately.
"At first, I didn't believe you," Mindee said in her Modeling Interview. "Then I was excited. It felt like I was getting a promotion."
After thinking on things for a few weeks, I came up with the idea to have Mindee's feature themed to comic books, more specifically to the character of Power Girl. I had recently got back into comics because of Amanda Conner's and Jimmy Palmiotti's "Power Girl" run. With Mindee being blonde and busty, I thought it would be neat to feature her being a fangirl of the comic character. Mindee even wore white and blue and had her toenails painted blue for the set as well.
Like the feature sets to come before, Mindee's "Piggies & Power Girl" set took one of my more requested models and sent her popularity through the stratosphere. People couldn't get enough of Mindee and her smooth soles. From this point onward, Mindee demanded more and more camera time and I kept giving it to her.
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In May of 2010, Mindee became the sixth model to join the 1K Club on Soles of Silk. |
Chapter 6
1K Club? That was so 2010!
In the first update to feature Mindee following her Wu's feature set, Mindee became the site's sixth model to join the 1K Club. That's right, five other models did it before her! It's crazy to think that it took her a little over five years to reach 1K, but in the nine years since... Never mind, we'll get to that in a bit!
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Marcy was the first family member of Mindee's to appear in a set with her. |
Chapter 7
Foot Fetish & Family (Not Lost This Time)
As I said above, back in 2005 Mindee shot her first team up set with her cousin, Mariah. I thought it was neat to have two cousins together in a set. Little did I know, Mariah wouldn't be the last cousin of Mindee's to shoot, or shoot with Mindee. I needed another Christmas themed set and Mindee jumped at the chance to do it alongside Marcy, who turned 18 earlier that year and had already shot with me a couple of times.
I can't even begin to say how silly these two were during this set. It's something I learned to expect when teaming up Mindee and Marcy, since they did so three times in total. All three sets of them together have ranked among my favorites the year they were published: 5th - Candy Cane Cousins (2010), 1st - Soccer Goal (2014), 3rd - Candy Cousins (2016).
"Marcy and I are just natural together! We're so much alike that we just know exactly what to do and go with it. I love posing with her," Mindee said in her 2K Club Interview.
Cousins aren't be the only relatives Mindee has shot with though. Nope, not at all. A few more relatives have joined in over recent years, which we will get to in a bit. Believe me, you won't want to miss out on those chapters.
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With her Gummy Worm Size Tease set, Mindee became the second model to join the 2K Club. |
Chapter 8
2K Club & Most Photographed
"There's been a little competition in having more photos than Cierra! I was looking forward to the day I would have just one more picture posted than her and it's crazy that it happened that way!" Mindee said in her 2K Club Interview.
It was 2014 when Mindee became the site's second model to join the 2K Club. Still, that didn't stop her from wanting to see her photo count rise and challenge Cierra for the most photographed model on the site, as you clearly saw in her interview excerpt above.
The set Mindee reached the 2K Club with was also the same exact one that saw her take over the site's lead as the Most Photographed Model. The Gummy Worm set above is one of my all-time favorites of hers as it is also Mindee's first ever size tease set. In the set Mindee compared a bunch of your average, run of the mill, gummy worms to a 28-inch mega gummy worm. I was shocked at how much of a natural Mindee was with the size teasing, yet she did it in such a playful way that I just knew I'd be asking her to do it again and again.
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Mindee became the first model to join the 3K Club with her Christmas 2015 set. |
Chapter 9
3K Club for Christmas
3K Club for Christmas
At the end of 2015, 13 sets since joining the 2K Club, Mindee did something that no other model had ever done, and still hasn't - she joined the 3K Club. It's funny how things play out, but she reached the 3K mark with her third Christmas themed set. This time around Mindee bared her heavenly feet, fresh out of her black Ugg boots as she was hanging up her Christmas lights.
It took a little less than two years for Mindee to jump up another 1,000 photos, which was just crazy to think about at the time, but was something I saw coming with Mindee's desire to make her mark on Soles of Silk every chance she could get. When I asked her what it was like becoming the first member of the 3K Club, she had this to say in her 3K Club Interview, "I'm so excited! I definitely love being number one at anything. So naturally, it's awesome!"
It took a little less than two years for Mindee to jump up another 1,000 photos, which was just crazy to think about at the time, but was something I saw coming with Mindee's desire to make her mark on Soles of Silk every chance she could get. When I asked her what it was like becoming the first member of the 3K Club, she had this to say in her 3K Club Interview, "I'm so excited! I definitely love being number one at anything. So naturally, it's awesome!"
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Mindee is the only Soles of Silk model to have more than one Wu's Feet Links feature set. |
Chapter 10
A Worthy Wu's Repeat
A Worthy Wu's Repeat
In 2016 Mindee once again did something that no other model had done - star in a second feature set on Wu's Feet Links, representing Soles of Silk. Up until that point, and still to this day, I prefer to have a different models in all the feature sets. I've always found that having a different model gave some much needed focus on someone new, which always resulted in a massive spike to the particular model's fan base. It happened to Mindee back in 2010, so why did I decide to go against everything I just said? Well, because she deserved it!
In the five years since her "Piggies & Power Girl" feature, Mindee had become the site's most recognized model. She had constant updates since we were shooting all the time. She even talked a few friends and family members into doing some team ups. Quite frankly, how could I not want Mindee to represent Soles of Silk once more?
Mindee and I shot her second set along the waterfront of National Harbor, just outside Washington, D.C. We loved the huge Ferris Wheel background and went ahead and shot another very public set. The set, "The Ferris-t of Them All," was easily just as popular as her first feature.
"I loved doing the Wu's feature. It's awesome that you help keep it going and knowing I was the first model from this site to have two sets is awesome," Mindee shared in her 4K Club Interview.
Chapter 11
2 Sets w/ 3 Models, 1 Being a Sister-in-Law
The same week that Mindee shot her second Wu's Feet Links feature set, she pulled off some other amazing feats (pun intended). The day after shooting the feature, along with three other awesome solo sets, Mindee got her friends Reese and Rein to shoot for their first time. I was able to get all three of them together in the site's second ever, three model set. It was a hot day, but the girls were able to cool off with some squirt guns.
Just two days later, Mindee did pretty much the same thing once again. She got her sister-in-law, Rilynn, and their mutual friend, Noelle, to shoot for their first time. Due to the weather, I wasn't able to get the planned three model set in that day, but two days later, we did!
That made two three model sets in the same week, with one of them featuring another family member in Rilynn. In addition to those sets, as well as the four solos we did to begin that week, Mindee managed to squeeze in a set with Kelsey for the first time too. Talk about a week I'll never forget!
In the five years since her "Piggies & Power Girl" feature, Mindee had become the site's most recognized model. She had constant updates since we were shooting all the time. She even talked a few friends and family members into doing some team ups. Quite frankly, how could I not want Mindee to represent Soles of Silk once more?
Mindee and I shot her second set along the waterfront of National Harbor, just outside Washington, D.C. We loved the huge Ferris Wheel background and went ahead and shot another very public set. The set, "The Ferris-t of Them All," was easily just as popular as her first feature.
"I loved doing the Wu's feature. It's awesome that you help keep it going and knowing I was the first model from this site to have two sets is awesome," Mindee shared in her 4K Club Interview.
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Rilynn (left) is Mindee's sister-in-law. |
Chapter 11
2 Sets w/ 3 Models, 1 Being a Sister-in-Law
The same week that Mindee shot her second Wu's Feet Links feature set, she pulled off some other amazing feats (pun intended). The day after shooting the feature, along with three other awesome solo sets, Mindee got her friends Reese and Rein to shoot for their first time. I was able to get all three of them together in the site's second ever, three model set. It was a hot day, but the girls were able to cool off with some squirt guns.
Just two days later, Mindee did pretty much the same thing once again. She got her sister-in-law, Rilynn, and their mutual friend, Noelle, to shoot for their first time. Due to the weather, I wasn't able to get the planned three model set in that day, but two days later, we did!
That made two three model sets in the same week, with one of them featuring another family member in Rilynn. In addition to those sets, as well as the four solos we did to begin that week, Mindee managed to squeeze in a set with Kelsey for the first time too. Talk about a week I'll never forget!
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Not only did Mindee become the first and only model in the 3K Club, but the 4K Club as well. |
Chapter 12
4K Club... Now You're Just Showing Off
Less than a year after becoming the first model to join the site's 3K Club, Mindee became the first model of the site to join the 4K Club. It took her just 11 sets to do it, with four of those having 100-plus photo counts, including the 2016 "The Ferris-t of Them All" feature.
"I actually didn't realize it would be so fast," Mindee said about how long it took her to go from 3K to 4K in her 4K Club Interview. "Looking forward for less than a year for the next 1,000 too," Mindee added.
This quick rise in photo count was due to my idea to do "Monthly Mindee Updates." Sadly, however, I came up with the idea at the conclusion of January and hadn't published a set of hers at all that month. I doubled down with the February 17 update, however, giving everyone a solo set of Mindee's feet coming out of boots as well as the third team up with her and Marcy.
"I'm always excited to be updated frequently. I love the fact that it's been on a monthly basis," Mindee said in her 4K Club Interview.
Naturally, she was quick to give me instructions on how to proceed moving forward too in that same interview. "I think you should do it again next year to get a full 12 months straight."
"I actually didn't realize it would be so fast," Mindee said about how long it took her to go from 3K to 4K in her 4K Club Interview. "Looking forward for less than a year for the next 1,000 too," Mindee added.
This quick rise in photo count was due to my idea to do "Monthly Mindee Updates." Sadly, however, I came up with the idea at the conclusion of January and hadn't published a set of hers at all that month. I doubled down with the February 17 update, however, giving everyone a solo set of Mindee's feet coming out of boots as well as the third team up with her and Marcy.
"I'm always excited to be updated frequently. I love the fact that it's been on a monthly basis," Mindee said in her 4K Club Interview.
Naturally, she was quick to give me instructions on how to proceed moving forward too in that same interview. "I think you should do it again next year to get a full 12 months straight."
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Mindee & Shelby, the site's first ever, mother/daughter combo, but not the last! |
Chapter 13
Mom... Mommy... Ma!
Mom... Mommy... Ma!
Up until this point, Mindee had showed off her size 8 soles next to the following family members: Mariah (2006), Marcy (2010), and Rilynn (2016). In 2017, however, something happened that I could have never predicted - Mindee got her mom, Shelby, to shoot.
Having been friends with Mindee for so long, I've known Ms. Shelby for years. She's known about Soles of Silk since Mindee began shooting for me and she never thought anything ill about what we do. Still, I couldn't have fathomed that one day I would be seeing her barefoot next to her daughter!
"We're so close that there's nothing weird about shooting with Shelby, even though she's my mom," Mindee said in her 6K Club Interview. "There's definitely a rivalry between us with you, but it's all in fun."
Seriously, I could easily go on forever here about how awesome it was to shoot Mindee and Ms. Shelby together, but I don't want to repeat a bunch of things I've said in the blog entry about that day. Be sure to check out "Sunday's Shoot - Mindee & Her Mom, Shelby" for a detailed rundown about that day.
Having been friends with Mindee for so long, I've known Ms. Shelby for years. She's known about Soles of Silk since Mindee began shooting for me and she never thought anything ill about what we do. Still, I couldn't have fathomed that one day I would be seeing her barefoot next to her daughter!
"We're so close that there's nothing weird about shooting with Shelby, even though she's my mom," Mindee said in her 6K Club Interview. "There's definitely a rivalry between us with you, but it's all in fun."
Seriously, I could easily go on forever here about how awesome it was to shoot Mindee and Ms. Shelby together, but I don't want to repeat a bunch of things I've said in the blog entry about that day. Be sure to check out "Sunday's Shoot - Mindee & Her Mom, Shelby" for a detailed rundown about that day.
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Mindee joined the 5K Club, kicking off the May 2018 event, May I Have More Mindee? |
Chapter 14
5K Club Kicks Off May I Have More Mindee? Event
5K Club Kicks Off May I Have More Mindee? Event
In 2018 I decided to run two special, month-long events that would revolve around one model each. These two models shot so many photos in 2017 that I was left sitting on an immense catalog of content that I knew I'd sit on for ages if I didn't figure out a way to publish a bunch of it quickly. The two models I am speaking of are Melani, who shot 21 sets in 2017, and Mindee, who shot 40.
March saw the first of the two events, which I called, "Melani's March to 1K." Each week I published a single set of Melani throughout the month, with the final week having a bonus set of images she took of her own feet while I filmed her video clip.
May was Mindee's month, which I titled, "May I Have More Mindee?" Originally I was going to do the same as I did with Melani's event - one set per week. As May drew near, however, I decided to do something different. Each week would see a double update, with two sets going up.
To kick off the event was Mindee's Booby Trap shirt set (above), which put her into the 5K Club. A total of 10 sets were published, containing a total of 721 images during Mindee's event. Needless to say, by the end of the month, she was well on her way to joining the 6K Club too.
"All I can really say is that it should be a yearly event," Mindee said of the "May I Have More Mindee?" event in her 6K Interview.
March saw the first of the two events, which I called, "Melani's March to 1K." Each week I published a single set of Melani throughout the month, with the final week having a bonus set of images she took of her own feet while I filmed her video clip.
May was Mindee's month, which I titled, "May I Have More Mindee?" Originally I was going to do the same as I did with Melani's event - one set per week. As May drew near, however, I decided to do something different. Each week would see a double update, with two sets going up.
To kick off the event was Mindee's Booby Trap shirt set (above), which put her into the 5K Club. A total of 10 sets were published, containing a total of 721 images during Mindee's event. Needless to say, by the end of the month, she was well on her way to joining the 6K Club too.
"All I can really say is that it should be a yearly event," Mindee said of the "May I Have More Mindee?" event in her 6K Interview.
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Mindee also joined the 6K Club in 2018 in a year that saw so much emphasis on her size 8's. |
Chapter 15
5K & 6K Clubs in the Same Year?
5K & 6K Clubs in the Same Year?
It was December when Mindee made her way into the 6K Club, which was a foregone conclusion in 2018 after her month-long event in May. When asked how she felt about joining both the 5K Club and 6K Club seven months apart, she had this to say in her 6K Club Interview:
"It's awesome! I didn't get as far as I had hoped shooting new photos, but I am still joyed to be reaching 6K."
The funniest part of all of this is the fact that I'm still sitting on enough photos of Mindee to run a few more similar month-long events. She has a few thousand more photos just waiting to go onto the site, with plans for us to shoot more!
"It's awesome! I didn't get as far as I had hoped shooting new photos, but I am still joyed to be reaching 6K."
The funniest part of all of this is the fact that I'm still sitting on enough photos of Mindee to run a few more similar month-long events. She has a few thousand more photos just waiting to go onto the site, with plans for us to shoot more!
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Mindee talked not only her mom, Shelby into shooting, but her grandmother, Dolly, as well. |
Chapter 16
I'll Just Go Ask Grandmom!
I'll Just Go Ask Grandmom!
Okay, in Chapter 13 I gushed about shooting Mindee with her mom, Shelby. I never thought that would happen and the results were better than I could have ever imagined. So how does Mindee outdo herself as far as that's concerned? Well, by asking her grandmother, Dolly, of course!
I can remember getting a text from Mindee one evening while I was blogging, Mindee was saying that she had the site's newest model sitting next to her. That's when she sent over a photo of her with her grandmother. Just like when she shared that her mom wanted to shoot back in 2016, I was dumbfounded. I didn't know if she was just saying that, or if she'd actually go through with it.
Not knowing if/when this shoot would take place, I sat on the news for months. It wasn't until Mindee's 5K Club Interview that I let news out that there was a potential three generation shoot on the horizon.
"I'm disappointed that it has not happened just yet, but my golly it will. A three generation set with myself, my mom, and my grandmom is going to be memorable," Mindee said. "It's going to be epic. My grandmom is a hoot! I'm still shocked that she's so excited to partake."
As the end of December 2018 drew to a close, Mindee and I were finally able to secure a date to make this dream shoot happen. We made the most out of it too, with Mindee doing a solo set, followed by Shelby doing one. I wanted Dolly to see what shooting was like so she could then shoot her first solo set. Once that was done, I got all three women together and shot that three generation set we had been talking about for months now. And the best part, there was still a little bit of time afterward for Mindee and Shelby to do another mother/daughter combo to the end the day.
Want to see all the happenings from this amazing day, check out the blog, "Sunday's Shoot - 3 Generations: Mindee, Shelby, & Dolly."
I can remember getting a text from Mindee one evening while I was blogging, Mindee was saying that she had the site's newest model sitting next to her. That's when she sent over a photo of her with her grandmother. Just like when she shared that her mom wanted to shoot back in 2016, I was dumbfounded. I didn't know if she was just saying that, or if she'd actually go through with it.
Not knowing if/when this shoot would take place, I sat on the news for months. It wasn't until Mindee's 5K Club Interview that I let news out that there was a potential three generation shoot on the horizon.
"I'm disappointed that it has not happened just yet, but my golly it will. A three generation set with myself, my mom, and my grandmom is going to be memorable," Mindee said. "It's going to be epic. My grandmom is a hoot! I'm still shocked that she's so excited to partake."
As the end of December 2018 drew to a close, Mindee and I were finally able to secure a date to make this dream shoot happen. We made the most out of it too, with Mindee doing a solo set, followed by Shelby doing one. I wanted Dolly to see what shooting was like so she could then shoot her first solo set. Once that was done, I got all three women together and shot that three generation set we had been talking about for months now. And the best part, there was still a little bit of time afterward for Mindee and Shelby to do another mother/daughter combo to the end the day.
Want to see all the happenings from this amazing day, check out the blog, "Sunday's Shoot - 3 Generations: Mindee, Shelby, & Dolly."
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It was only fitting to feature Mindee in first remake set to celebrate the site's 15th anniversary. |
Chapter 17
An Anniversary Remake Featuring an Original
An Anniversary Remake Featuring an Original
When it came time to plan out what I wanted to do this year for the site's 15th Anniversary Celebration, I tossed around a lot of ideas. The one that just stuck with me, however, was a remake of one set from each year of the site's existence. I decided to use the My Favorite Sets blogs I've done over the years to determine which sets to remake. When I decided to remake Lauryn's 2004 Waffles & Syrup set, I knew I wanted Mindee to be the model to do the remake.
Why Mindee, you ask? Well, other than the fact that she's my most photographed model, I really liked the idea of having the one model still shooting from 2004 redoing the set from 2004. It just kind of made sense to me. Here's what I had to say in a blog where I covered this idea in more detail, "15 Year Celebration - Remakes."
Why Mindee, you ask? Well, other than the fact that she's my most photographed model, I really liked the idea of having the one model still shooting from 2004 redoing the set from 2004. It just kind of made sense to me. Here's what I had to say in a blog where I covered this idea in more detail, "15 Year Celebration - Remakes."
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The first ever set of Mindee published to Soles of Silk, remastered for 2019. |
Chapter 18
And an Anniversary Remaster
And an Anniversary Remaster
Remakes weren't the only fun way I decided to celebrate the 15th anniversary. I also decided that all eight sets found on the site when it launched on December 29, 2004, would be remastered to a larger scale. Being the site's lone model from 2004 still shooting regularly today, that means Mindee's set in the dugout would be among those sets seeing a remaster. If you want to take a look back at this set, it was added with the March 27, 2019 update. I talked about the idea to do the remasters in a blog back in January titled, "15 Year Celebration - Remasters."
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I was finally able to team up Mindee with another great friend/model, Kaycee. |
Chapter 19
2019's Monthly Shoot Challenge
2019's Monthly Shoot Challenge
Here in 2019 Mindee and I were trying to think of fun ways to spice up what we've been doing for 15 years now. She shot 40 sets in a calendar year (2017) and has done shoots with me throughout numerous states during some amazing vacations. She's gotten numerous friends and family members to shoot with her and has teamed up with some of my friends/coworkers as well. So what do we do that's unique, or maybe just a little fun?
My idea was a monthly shoot challenge. Mindee and I have tasked ourselves with trying to get in at least one set every single month of 2019. I want to see Mindee and her pretty bare feet on a regular basis. New photos, lots of foot rubs, and lots of time hanging out with an amazing friend.
A highlight from this challenge has already taken place, as some of you have seen. In February I was able to do a team up of Mindee and Kaycee, who I named a dream duo in the lead up to this shoot (see blog: "Dream Duos #7 - Mindee & Kaycee"). The two sets we shot that day were amazing and we're already planning on more team ups with the two of them this year. The Kiss My Feet set will be up during the week of my birthday too (first week of June).
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A Magic 8 Ball surrounded by two magical size 8's. |
Chapter 20
Reading Her Soles... Predicting the Future
Reading Her Soles... Predicting the Future
Much like a palm reader, I cannot predict the future. Still, after days, probably weeks, or even months at this point, of staring at Mindee's heavenly soles, there is one thing I can predict: I'm going to be shooting them again and again and again. I'm sure I'll be rubbing them again and again and again too, which Mindee sure won't mind.
"Now, although I'm married to someone else, my foot massages are expected from you! I do not like to share and I shouldn't have to! You are lucky to rub them, but so am I. I look forward to those foot rubs," Mindee said in her 15 Year My Memories Interview.
All kidding aside, the real reason why I can easily predict many more shoots in Mindee's future is the fact that she is easily one of the best friends that I have ever had. I feel like this site has brought us closer together since we have gotten together so much to shoot. Still, just the time spent with this amazing woman is what I treasure and I'm just glad that she likes kicking off her shoes, oftentimes, sweaty ones, to take some memorable photos and indulge a fetish that, 15 years ago, she didn't know much about. I think it's safe to say, she gets it now and even appreciates it.
Thanks for these last 15 years, Mindee. I wish you a happy birthday and hope you appreciated this stroll down memory lane. I have to document it while I'm not too old to forget it, you know! And if you laughed, just remember, you just had a birthday and aren't too far behind! Love ya and all you do!
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