Girl's Night = A Great Night
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Alice took got two of her friends, both who want to shoot for Soles of Silk this year, to take this photo during their girl's night last night. |
One thing I've learned since meeting Alice is to expect the unexpected. The other thing I've learned is to expect to love that which is unexpected. Seriously, she's a doll! The memories just keep piling up with her when it comes to Soles of Silk and last night was certainly one I won't be forgetting anytime soon.
Alice sent me a text yesterday while I was at work. Since she sent it around 6 p.m., business was just picking up so I wasn't able to see it until I got off work around 8:30 - 9 p.m. The text she sent mentioned that she bought a pair of heels that she thinks would be perfect for an upcoming set we have planned. She included the screen shot you see below.
I was in my car, about to head home when I saw the text. I responded to her that the shoes would, indeed, be perfect for that shoot. We then exchanged some small talk about various things and I drove home.
Once I got home, that's when I learned that Alice was having a girl's night with several of her friends. One of those friends, the one on the left in the top photo, had been telling Alice that she'd like to start shooting for Soles of Silk. Alice had already mentioned her to me and I was all for it. That's when Alice also mentioned having another friend, top photo on the right, that said she'd like to shoot too.
Wow! Talk about some awesome news! Two new models, one of which (left) I already introduced myself to, and who turned out to be super cool, just like Alice. I just reached to second before I began this blog to introduce myself to her as well. But back to last night!
As the time passed, I began getting ready to meet up at my friend's place for a movie night we do on a weekly basis. Last night's movie was Aliens. We're all excited for the upcoming Alien: Covenant being released in May, so we decided to watch it. However, what was happening on my iPhone's screen oftentimes kept my attention from what was going on in the movie. Guess it's a good thing that I've seen it countless times.
Without getting into too much detail, because I don't want to spoil the theme of the shoot featuring Alice's heels, I asked her if she thought her friends would like to be a part of that particular set - turn it into a three girl. The idea was already there for the first friend to join in, but if I could make it a trio... Wow!
Alice didn't hesitate. She told me to hold on and she'd ask them. Sure enough, they both said yes. So it looks like a three girl high heel set is planned for some time this year, with a "little" added theme you'll get to see once the set is shot. Of course it will be previewed here on the blog, as well as the site's Instagram (@SolesofSilk). Once it is, I'm sure many of you will be bugging me to get the set and any clips from it, onto the site ASAP.
Just when I thought my night couldn't get more rewarding though, I playfully told Alice that the three of them should do a sole/face pose like we do with her sets. I wasn't sure what the girls were exactly up to, or where they were. I honestly didn't think I'd get it. That was until Alice replied, "I got you. One sec."
Needless to say, I got so very anxious. Was I actually going to get a photo? Would all three of them be in it? Would it actually be a sole/face shot? Those minutes felt like an hour as I just kept my screen from falling asleep. And then it arrived!
The photo you see adorning the top of this blog popped up on my screen and I was legit in love. It's very rare that I get sole/face poses sent to me. It's why I wrote the "Sweet Sole Shots from a Sexy Friend" blog entry last month. That friend sent me a couple of them and here I was again getting one featuring three women. One of those women was none other than Alice and her big size 11 feet, flanked on both sides by friends of hers wanting to model this year as well.
I obviously told Alice that I loved the photo and that made her and her friends happy. The girl on the left even told me personally, when we chatted shortly thereafter that she was trying to impress me.
"Before we took the picture, I was like, 'Lemme show him how far I can spread my toes," she said.
Looks like she's going to be a quick learner. And yeah, that toe spread is amazing. She told me her feet are a size 9 and are beyond ticklish. I was happy to find out that tidbit since it means I'll be adding another pair of larger feet to the site. I've said it numerous times, but since Alice's debut, her size 11 feet have had me loving them large these days.
As for the second friend, I'm not quite sure what her shoe size is, yet. From the photo it looks like hers might be the smallest of the trio, but it could be the angle and placement of her feet. If they are indeed smaller, that will come in handy if we get to shoot the three of them together. The set will feature three different shoe sizes side-by-side-by-side, with Alice's obviously being the largest. This second friend need not worry if her feet are smaller though. Just because I've been on a big feet kick lately, it doesn't mean I don't adore the little ones too. For a change, size doesn't matter!
So it looks like I have some new models to look forward to this year, along with the numerous sets I'm sure to do with Alice. Doing 11 sets in both 2015 and 2016 with her, I quite simply want her to do more in 2017. Hopefully her friends love it as much as she does and I can see them barefoot on a regular basis too. You'll know it here if they indeed do!
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