Followers & Feedback: Your Voices

Wendy was one of the first people I shot where I shared set Instagram photos. The blog below was originally published in Soles of Silk's Column section. It was archived and then republished here in 2016. When I made the Soles of Silk Twitter account ( @SolesofSilk ) a little less than a year ago, I didn't know what to expect. To be honest, I thought it might be a fad and turn out to be just as problematic as the short-lived Soles of Silk MySpace page. It has been neither. As a matter of fact, it has allowed me to reach people that I wasn't getting to before. And in turn, it has also allowed the masses to get in touch with me like never before. For years when I posted an update I always put update samples on the Soles of Silk Forum as well as in the Photos Section of the Wu's Feet Links Forum . Those have always been amazing ways to communicate with people, and one I continue to utilize today. For the last year now, however, in addition to those forum pos...