Results - Annual Soles of Silk Trivia Contest: 2022 Edition
On Sunday the final entry in the Annual Soles of Silk Trivia Contest: 2022 Edition was emailed and on Monday I took some time after work to go ahead and score each and every entry. As you will see when you view the correct answers below, I thought I might have went too easy on this latest iteration's questions. There were so many questions where not a single person failed to answer correctly. Heck, one entire section, Matching, saw perfect scores across the board on every single entry. I don't think that has been done before, but I also haven't went back to check either. So don't quote me on that. Either way, it's still an incredible feat for all involved. Where everyone hit a roadblock this year is the same place they have in the past - the "Who Said It?" portion. That portion asks participants to pick which model made the provided quote in one of her interviews. Not a single question in that category saw more than 44 percent of entries pick the correct m...