Foolish Foot Fetish Shoots - Soles of Silk Edition
So I assume you already read my phony, April Fools Day blog entry, "A Foot Fetish Family Portrait." If not, I guess I just ruined the fact that the blog was an April Fools Day rib on anyone who read it. Oh well, the joke was fun while it lasted!
In honor of this day of fools in April I also wanted to give you a more serious, but still goofy blog entry. What I decided to do was to compile a list 30 funny moments that happened while I was out shooting with my models. You'll see a few models make the list several times, but that's what happens when a model poses for over 1,000, and even 2,000 photos, as some of my models have. Now, onto 30 of the funniest moments from Soles of Silk shoots:
On the day I shot this set of Ashlyn she was running behind. She actually brought a razor with her and told me once we arrived at the first location that she needed a minute to shave her legs. I just shook my head and laughed.
Ashlyn opened the door to my car so she could extend her leg. Just as she did that a car parked a few spots away. Inside where a few older guys who immediately started checking her out. They looked to be smoking some pot too. Ashlyn and I just laughed and she just kept shaving. I'm sure those guys where like, "Silly white people!"
I sort of feel bad by putting this one on the list, but it's just a goofy moment Mindee and I have brought up a few times in talks since. You'll see why I kind of feel bad about this one when reading below.
While shooting Mindee at a park we were approached by a young 20-something year old male with a fishing net. He introduced himself and said he was trying to catch turtles. You could tell the guy had a bit of a mental impairment. We were nice, however, and let him talk for a few minutes. Which then turned into 10 minutes.
Finally the guy went on his way, but only for a while. He walked around the pond and made his way back for a second time. Once again, we tried to be nice. He, however, was getting into all kinds of things that was starting to get uncomfortable.
Once again he finally walked off and went back to the pond. We got in a few more photos, but yet again here he came! This time, however, he began talking about his sexuality and I was no more. I grabbed my phone and acted like I had to take a call. I was about to call Mindee just so she could excuse herself, but she was a sweetheart and was able to get him on his way again.
After he left us for the third time I grabbed my camera and told her we're doing some really fast clips before he gets back for the fourth time. We did just that and in the nick of time too. He started to come back for that fourth time, but Mindee took my cue and acted like she was on the phone. He left her alone and we cleaned up and went somewhere else to shoot our second set.
I guess this situation wasn't overly funny, but it was just strange and one we can still laugh about when we bring it up. We feel sorry for the guy and the cards he has been dealt, but man, was it ever a peculiar day when we shot this one.
So I asked Colleen to do a set wearing her black Converse Chuck Taylor's without socks. She agreed and thought it sounded fun. When I picked her up the following day she was wearing them and said she had been in them for a few hours already that morning. "Was she teasing me?" I wondered.
After driving about an hour to our location on a very hot day we got out of the car and walked right over to this large crane. Since it was so hot I figured I'd be able to pull a fast one and walk around like I needed to scout the area some more. My real intention was to get her feet all hot and moist inside those shoes before she took them off - hopefully to catch a sniff or two.
We walked around for about 15 minutes and I said, "I think we'll just use the crane as a background."
"Uh huh," Colleen said. "I think you just had me walk around to get my feet all sweaty."
I was speechless!
"I know you love my sweaty feet," she added. "Why do you think I wore these all day before you picked me up?"
I just had no words!
In her very first shoot I could have had Reagan represent Soles of Silk at a job fair. Had I only known...
I decided to keep her first shoot simple and shoot at a playground. About 30 minutes into the set a few families came by, but stayed out of the way. We kept shooting. About 15 minutes after that, however, fire trucks, police cars, school buses, and all other kinds of people began to arrive at the park. They set up all kinds of tables and displays. We rushed through the second half of our set before it got too crowded. It turned out a job fair was happening at the park that day.
Guess I should have brought some business cards and photo samples for potential models, huh?
Nikki was after me to shoot by a waterfall. I found one about an hour away and we decided to use it shortly after I got my new camera - the Canon Rebel T3i.
When we arrived at the park we were prompted with two paths to get to the falls. The signs weren't really weren't labelled clearly and Nikki told me to pick which one we'd take. I picked the shorter distance, logically. Well, the shorter distance was also the one over the rocky terrain, up and down large hills, and all that nonsense.
After we finished we decided to take the other trail back just to see the difference. Most of it was paved or consisted of a boardwalk and was very flat. It ended up being 0.1 more miles than the one we took, if I remember correctly. As much as I tried to blame her for not reading the map properly, she would have none of it.
This entire set went off without a hitch when Kelsey and I shot it. It wasn't until we decided to shoot the video clip, however, that the craziness ensued.
As soon as we began the clip, the quiet scenery got loud. A goose began quacking away in the background. That damn thing didn't make a peep the entire shoot until now, of course. That's always the way it is with my outdoor clips.
If that wasn't enough, the only people to come by decided to do so while shooting the clip. Here Kelsey is with her oily feet up on the table and a group of teenage boys come by. I didn't even realize it until Kelsey verbally warned me because they had gotten so close - literally about 10-15 feet away. They could obviously see what she and I were doing. Needless to say, Kelsey was all kinds of embarrassed at that point.
Both Ryan and I are a huge fan of roller coasters. With that being the case we decided to head to an amusement park one day and bring the camera along. Now I know I'd probably get yelled at by some park employee for doing photos without permission, so I'm quick to take a few here and there if/when it's slow.
That's exactly what we did on this very hot day. Once the photos were done we were going to walk the camera back to the car when we saw some water jets shooting up out of the sidewalk. I thought it would be cool for Ryan to kick her flip flops off and stick her feet in the water for a couple playful shots. When we did this, however, a ride attendant came over and told Ryan she has to keep her shoes on in the park.
If they only knew she didn't have them on most of the time we had been there...
Model: Aliza
During Aliza's first shoots for Soles of Silk a Hispanic man approach us after a set and wanted to know if he could take a picture with Aliza. He legit seemed like he was in the presence of a famous person. Of course, he wanted me to take the photo.
After I took the photo and handed him back his phone, he then asked her to film him. He then went on to do a 3-4 minute speech. Aliza, however, didn't hit the record button so he wanted to do it again. She handed me his phone instead and he looked so depressed. He wanted her to film it, not me. She waved him off and I got to film him do a much shorter version instead.
"See," I told Aliza, "You're already famous!"
Model: Mandy
People walking by in my photo shoots is something that happens regularly since I shoot mostly outdoor sets. I think Mandy holds the records for two of the longest interruptions I've ever experienced during a shoot though.
The first one was during her first shoot when we were shooting next to a water fountain. A woman came by with her child and the kid started to run around the water fountain once... twice... three times... 40 times... 300 times... Seriously, I think 15-20 minutes went by before the kid has his fill of running around in circles. Since he was a kid, I wasn't upset, but the mother acknowledged us and apologized for interrupting our shoot. Instead of letting her kid go around a few times and leading his interests elsewhere, she just sat there and waited.
The second time I shot Mandy we shot on some benches around another water fountain - go figure. This time, about half way into our shoot a group of four adults came by. They appeared to be on a history scavenger hunt through the town where we were shooting. They copied the text of a plaque in the ground... for about 20 minutes. Seriously, that plaque didn't have that many words on it!
I had found this really scenic area with train tracks and asked Ryan if she'd like to do a set there. She was overly excited and was in love with the setting. What I didn't think about, however, was the near by marsh and what lived there.
Shortly after we began this set Ryan began feeling mosquito bites. It was one here and one there at first. But before long, they were a constant. We rushed the rest of the set along, but by time we got done it was like connect the dots on her legs. You can't see them in the set, however, because I decided to Photoshop them out. In the lower number photos it was just one or two. By the end I was covering up about a dozen. I must say, Ryan still nailed this set with some awesome poses!
Model: Kimmie
Immediately after starting this set Kimmie and I were stopped by a police officer. What he then tried to explain to me was one of the dumbest, oddest experiences I've had while shooting.
After flipping on his lights and motioning for me to approach his car, the officer asked me what we were up to. I said, "Just taking some photos."
"Well, do you know what it looks like you're doing?," he asked.
"No," I said.
"What do people do on train tracks," he asked me.
"Hop trains?" I guessed.
"No. What else do people do on train tracks?" he asked.
"I have no idea. I'm just taking some photos on those tracks that aren't used anymore," I told him.
"Suicide," he blurted out. "People commit suicide on train tracks."
"Umm, okay?" I replied.
"They lay their head down on the tracks and let the trains kill him," he explained.
I just looked at him with a dumbfounded look.
"You can shoot for another 10 minutes, but if I come back around later and you're still here I'm writing you a trespassing citation," he explained.
Needless to say, I decided to "kill" this shoot theme, but can assure you, neither Kimmie or myself were planning on killing ourselves.
Model: Carlin
You know the sign you hang on the doors when you don't want house cleaning to come into your room? Well, Carlin and I surely had to hang it while shooting these sets. After we got done, however, house cleaning certainly needed to get in there!
One of our first sets involved us spreading rose petals out on the bed. I asked Carlin if she thought if they'd stain the sheet. She said she didn't think so. Well, it actually did!
From there we moved to the kitchen for her brownie mix set. As you can see, her feet were a mess! So was the counter top, the floor, and especially the towels she used to clean them up with. She left chocolate footprints wherever she walked too. We tried to rinse them out, but to no avail.
The final set we did was with Nerds candy, which she stuck between her toes. Of course she dropped a few into the cracks of the couch and underneath of it that we just left there at that point.
I made sure we threw the bed sheet and now-brown towels into the laundry shoot. I'm sure the floor and counter top was still somewhat sticky and there was no way those Nerds were getting cleaned up without a vacuum.
Model: Wendy
The second time Wendy posed for Soles of Silk we made use of a large park that featured a number of trails, a waterfall, and some other historic locations.
In the middle of the shoot at the waterfall Wendy noticed someone looking at her from the trees. It was a guy dressed in full Indian garb. He then left and we wondered where he went. A little while later he returned guiding a tour through the area.
Later on we tried to shoot at a second location and the same thing happened. The Indian gentleman watched us from a distance, but this time he wasn't giving any tours. It kind of creeped us out, so we went and shot somewhere outside the park.
We later found out that the guy is just someone who comes to the park and gives people tours and information on his own. He just enjoys it. I wonder if he enjoyed Wendy too, or if he was just being nosey?
Model: Ryan
When Ryan and I were wrapping up this set a group of French guys walked by. The one made a statement that contained the French word for hot and I could tell by the way they were talking, they were admiring Ryan.
I said, "Ryan, those guys just said you look hot."
Needless to say, the guy who said it was shocked and all of his friends started laughing at them. I guess those four years of French class in middle and high school finally paid off for something.
Model: Wendy
While shooting Wendy last time she mentioned that she had a friend who might pose with her for a set. The girl ultimately decided against it though, so it was just Wendy and I going around town to do some photos.
During our set by the lake two female joggers were approaching. Wendy quickly noticed them as her friends. The one was the girl who decided not to pose and the other was apparently their drama queen, opinionated friend. Wendy didn't want her to know what she was doing, so she was going to have to explain her way out of this.
The friend who knew about the site tried to get the other friend to keep jogging, but the opinionated friend stopped. Wendy came up with the story that we were college friends and I was a photographer that she'd sometimes help when I need photos for my work. None of those things were lies, so sounded good to me. The friend still seemed confused by the situation, but the other friend was finally able to persuade her that they had to get back home.
Situation adverted!
The first time I met up with Ashlyn she was so shy. I don't think anyone was as timid as she was for her first shoot and what happened during that first set sure did make her totally embarrassed on top of it.
I decided to go with boots for her first set. She brought them and swore she loved them so much that she wore them almost every day. Now I was hoping they'd be smelly, but when she took them off... BOOM! I could smell them a few feet away. It wasn't bad to me, obviously, but I said to her, "Wow, I can smell your boots over there."
Ashlyn was like, "No way!"
I said, "Yes way," and grabbed them and took a sniff.
"Eww, don't sniff my boots. They're sweaty," she said.
I just laughed and told her I'm one guy who doesn't mind. I then teased her all day about it and still do today.
Model: Mindee
So I had the idea to do a set with a bunch of blue balls for some time. Mindee, like everything else she's done, pulled it off perfectly. But it wasn't the set that was goofy - even though it kind of is. What made this set just the funny experience it turned out to be was because Mindee brought her daughter with her.
Now, Mindee's kids both know me as we've been friends for a long time. They also know I'm a photographer and I do some photos with their mother. They're never usually around when we've shot, but they've wandered in on a shoot a time or two. Since I don't do anything adult, it just looks like normal photos. Her daughter, however, caught her sending selfie photos of her pedicure to me and asked if I'm taking photos of her pedicure. Mindee said yes to explain it away. So when her daughter came to the shoot, she didn't think anything odd of me taking photos of her mom's feet. Mindee is good like that! And the blue ball theme was totally over her head.
When we went to set up the shoot we both figured her daughter would go off and play at the playground. Instead she said, "I want to help."
I didn't really know what to say, but Mindee said, "OK."
She didn't really do all too much, but every once in a while a ball or two would roll away due to the wind. She couldn't wait to run and grab it to "help out." Just to entertain her, I told her she could always throw them at Mindee and that I'd protect her.
"You're mom's being mean," I said - referring to the fact that Mindee was teasing me since we had a blue ball theme going on.
At the end of the set Mindee's daughter wanted to help us clean up all of the props. While doing so she said, "I can't wait to turn 16!"
I looked at Mindee and asked, "Why? Does she want to drive already?"
"No," Mindee said. "She wants to pose for you."
Mindee then looked at her daughter and said, "You have to be 18."
"Even worse!" her daughter said.
I laughed and asked why that even came up. Mindee said she asked if Mr. Patrick would take photos of her toes too because they got their pedicures together and she loves having pictures taken. That's when Mindee just said to her she needs to be older and left it at that.
"She's a little Mindee," I said.
"I know, right?" Mindee replied.
I'm not going to say too much on this one, but I decided to give something a try and Madison agreed to be the one to do it. A lot of fans ask for sets with lotion. A lot of fans also ask for sets with baby oil. I got the genius idea to combine them both into one shoot.
Well the "outcome," pun totally intended, looked a lot like something else - kind of like DNA found in all the crime scenes on TV cop dramas. I swear it's not. If it was, I'm in the wrong business!
Model: Mileena
It seems like odd wildlife situations happen whenever I shoot with Mileena. And I'm talking odd!
The first time we shot we parked in a parking lot near a pond. She was using my 350Z to do a set. I thought the pond in the background looked nice. Plus, it was away from prying eyes. By the end of the shoot, however, we had a flock of geese come up from the water and surround my car. They literally followed me around and quacked non-stop.
A couple of years later we did a day trip to Western Maryland and West Virginia. We didn't run into any wildlife issues during the shoot, but one heck of one on the way home. It was a four hour drive to get home on some really dark roads through mountains. Out of nowhere, about two hours into the drive, two police cars come by. The one speeds ahead and the second stays back and throws on his lights. He starts doing a back and forth pattern through both lanes and did it very slowly. Traffic went to a crawl.
This lasted for about 15 minutes and finally the officer stopped in the middle of the highway. A bunch of cars were now behind me. The officer got out of his car and came up to my window. He asked me to be patient as there was a report of cows walking around on the highway ahead.
I looked at Mileena and we just both laughed. If I had hit one going about 80mph in my 350Z... Ouch!
Models: Mindee & Cierra
I have shot both Mindee and Cierra since I started Soles of Silk in 2004. There first time shooting together, however, was memorable - and quite embarrassing for Cierra.
In the set I had the girls pull off each other's shoes and socks. When Mindee pulled off Cierra's socks her feet were soaked with sweat. Mindee reacted, "Oh my god! Your feet are so sweaty!"
Cierra blushed big time and tried pulling her feet away. I laughed and pointed out all the sock fuzzies clinging to her damp toes. Cierra begged us to stop teasing her, but of course, we didn't.
It's funny that Cierra's feet are always this way in her shoots, but I never even realized it until this set. I'm just glad Cierra isn't embarrassed by it now and knows that's something we all love about her little feet.
Models: Bridgette & Felicia
I planned a shoot with Felicia and her debuting twin sister, Bridgette, in early December 2014. Our goal was to shoot a handful of sets including a Christmas and New Year's set along with some solo ones of each. Doing so many sets, however, we got hungry and decided to order a pizza.
When the pizza man knocked on the door I still had all my photo lights on. The guy stepped up to the door and began looking inside the room. He obviously saw the lights and then saw both twins sitting inside with T-shirts, shorts, and I think Felicia was in knee high socks. Needless to say, the pizza man was speechless. He looked like he thought he wandered into a porn scene.
"Photo lights... Girls... Hmm, must be a photo shoot," he said.
That's when he saw the Lego Star Wars AT-AT I gave Felicia for one of her shoots. From that point on, he didn't care what we were shooting and began talking Star Wars. I paid him, shut the door and we all just laughed.
Model: Kellie
In this set Kellie and I were being daring. She smashed a funnel cake right on the entrance to the boardwalk at Rehobeth Beach in Delaware. People walked by, but we didn't care. But it wasn't until the video clip came that the funny moment happened.
As Kellie was ripping apart the funnel cake and sticking it between her powder sugar covered toes, she flipped a piece out a a sea gull. Well, that brought down about a dozen other sea gulls in the air and they began chirping away. A few flew down very close to Kellie and it startled her big time.
After the clip Kellie told me to remind her to never feed the birds during a shoot. I just laughed and said I will.
Model: Charlee
This was Charlee's first set for Soles of Silk. We decided to have her smash popsicles and let them melt all over her feet out in the hot sun. Everything went according to plan until the end.
I pulled out some water and a towel and Charlee tried to clean off her feet. We wanted to shoot another set afterward. One problem... Her feet were green from the popsicles and it wasn't coming off. She and I both scrubbed her feet for like half an hour - even using hand sanitizer. It just didn't work.
Charlee and I ended up going back to my place so she could stick her feet in the bathtub and use soap. Within two minutes her feet were back to normal. Why didn't we just do that from the start?
Model: Aspen
After Aspen and I finished shooting a few sets out on a few secluded beaches in Seaside Heights, NJ, we decided to head back up town and shoot on the boardwalk. On the way I told Aspen to film her feet hanging out the car window for a self-shot clip.
When Aspen was done shooting the clip she pulled her feet back in the car and we noticed a black stain from the rubber window seal on her feet. We tried to rub it off, but no luck. We tried water, hand sanitizer, and even baby oil. With no luck we stopped at a drug store to buy some rubbing alcohol. It was the only thing I could think of that might take the stain off. I didn't want to do sets with a black line going across her heel.
After we left the drug store Aspen began rubbing the alcohol on a cloth and it slowly started to come off her feet, but it took some doing. I was just so shocked at how much trouble it was to get this line off her feet.
A few moments later I look over and see Aspen trying to rub another black mark off her leg.
"I got it up here too," she said.
"Umm, that's a bruise, silly!" I told her.
She just had this look on her face and we busted out laughing. We then went onto the boardwalk and got in a set before it began to rain.
The next day when I unpacked from our trip I went to put the rubbing alcohol away and noticed we actually bought hydrogen peroxide. Wow... So not only was Aspen trying to rub a bruise off her leg, I bought hydrogen peroxide! Worst cleanup crew ever!
After photo shoots with Charlee... OK, more like before, during, and after photo shoots with Charlee she asks me... no, tells me to rub her feet. Of course, I'm all about that life. I've done so for many hours!
Well, after the sets we did on the day we shot the one above, Charlee decided to take some photos of me rubbing her feet without my knowledge. I just sat there rubbing away.
"Did you get them?" she asked.
"Get what?" I replied.
"I just sent you photos of you rubbing my feet," she said.
"No. Not yet," I told her. "I didn't even see you take them."
I went about rubbing her feet for a while longer and that when Charlee said, "Oh shit."
Apparently Charlee accidentally sent the photos of me rubbing her feet to the guy she was talking to at the time. All he sent back was sad face emoji icons. I asked her if he's going to want to kill me now. She said no, so I just kept on rubbing like she instructed.
Model: Carmen
On the day I set out to shoot this and some other sets with Carmen I mentioned to her that I would love to have a few photos of her with her feet on my face for a Wu's Feet Links Forum avatar image. She agreed and I was so looking forward to it.
When we finished the shoot above, I began walking back to the car and Carmen stopped me.
"Aren't we shooting some with my feet on your face?" she asked.
I said, "Yeah. We can do it back at the car."
"Let's just do it here," she said.
Now there was a bus stop a few yards away and they were already chuckling at us taking foot photos. I wasn't thinking of doing the ones with her feet on my face there, but that's when Carmen threw out the challenge.
"C'mon! Don't be a pussy!" Carmen said.
I just looked at her, got on my knees and handed her the camera. She put her feet all over my face and you could clearly hear the people waiting for the bus laughing their asses off. Of course Carmen took forever to take every photo too - slowly rubbing them all over my face and pinching my nose. Of course I'm complaining about her feet being on my face for an extended period of time, though. It was just so embarrassing having all those people seeing it done.
Model: Cierra
Cierra is always wanting to step in stuff in her sets - mainly food. When I mentioned chocolate chip cookie dough, Cierra was all about it! Good thing too because I love the stuff and would gladly eat whatever she stepped in. The thing is, I wasn't the one who did.
We shot this set in two parts. The first was her putting the cookie dough onto her feet and a cookie sheet. She then put the tray into the oven and cooked it. Cierra did the second half of the set with the cookies themselves.
After Cierra left the room to cleanup after the set I moved my photo lights into a bedroom to shoot the next set. While that was going on Cierra's roommate came home and saw the cookies and started to eat them. When Cierra realized it coming out of the bathroom, she just looked at me and I just looked at her. We held back the laughter until her roommate went into her room. Apparently they tasted real good too, according to the roommate. Must have been all that extra foot sweat Cierra is known for? I ate a bunch of them after that, jealous I didn't get the first one.
Model: Marcy
Marcy and I were scheduled to shoot on what turned out to be a rainy day. I called her to see if she still wanted to since it had been raining steady all day. She said yes and to come over anyhow.
On the way over I texted her and said we should do a set of her stepping in the mud. She loved the idea and said she was grabbing her outfit.
When I picked her up she said she didn't care if the outfit she was in got muddy. I told her it was only cuffs of her jeans she'd have to worry about.
"No, I'm getting all in that mud," she said.
"I was only thinking your feet, but I'm game," I replied.
We went to a local park and she literally got right down into a mud puddle without a second thought. About half way through the set, however, a white work van pulled over and the driver rolled down the window.
"You fucking weirdos!" he yelled and drove away.
Marcy and I just laughed and went back to shooting this unique set.
Models: Kellie, Carmen, Kimmie, & Cheri
I was always a fan of dodge ball and wanted to do a set with some knee high socks and several models at once. I got Kellie, Carmen, Kimmie, and Cheri to agree. Cierra was supposed to come also, but something came up.
We began shooting the set and no one was around at all. We were being silly and having a good time and then an older couple came. They went to the tennis courts next to the basketball courts we were using.
When the couple took to the court it was only possible for one of them to see what we were doing. There was a concrete wall diving the two courts that blocked us from the view of the left side of the court. Well, the wife saw what we were doing and we could all tell she was upset about it. Then within a few minutes she began complaining to her husband loud enough for us to hear. After their match the husband and wife switched sides. Now the husband could see the girls and that's when the girls decided to fuck with the wife - I had nothing to do with it either.
"Where's that dildo?" Kellie asked real loud.
"Right here," Carmen responded just as loud.
"It's so big!" Cheri shouted.
"I've had bigger," Kimmie said.
They were trying to piss the wife off big time. Her comments and attitude toward what we were doing just egged the girls on even more. I just shook my head and laughed.
Model: Mindee
With the popularity of Mindee's nude pantyhose set on Soles of Silk I asked her if she'd be up for doing another nude hose set - this time, with thigh high stockings. She was immediately on board, as always.
The original location for this set was a train station outside of the city where I thought we could be alone. Well, it was closed for construction and we didn't get to shoot it. Instead we held off for a few months and shot the set downtown, not too far away from Oriole Park at Camden Yards.
I parked the car a couple of blocks away from the train station I had in mind to use instead. Mindee decided to pull the stockings while we were in the car still. I asked her if she wanted to wait until we got there, but she said no.
Once we were ready we began walking toward the station. As we neared the intersection nearby, Mindee said she could feel her thigh highs slipping down her legs. Right at that moment they dropped so low that you could see them below the bottom of her dress. Of course there was people all around us waiting to cross. Mindee just grabbed them with a wide-eyed look and tried to fix them. Then the crossing signal turned and we had to start walking.
Mindee gave the stockings one last tug, but about halfway across the street and they dropped down again, really low this time. With an outdoor seating area for a restaurant on the other side of the intersection, a ton of people saw her. Mindee was so embarrassed.
"Where are we going to shoot this?" Mindee asked.
"Right there," I said pointing about 100 feet away.
"Right there?" Mindee asked knowing everyone that just saw her playing with her stockings will still be within range of looking at her.
"Yup, right there," I said laughing.
Mindee just shook her head and pulled her stockings back up and walked over to the area. I just kept laughing and told her we're going to remember this for a long time. She agreed.
A few minutes into the shoot a couple was sitting off to the side on a bench. The woman was bitching to her man about something I couldn't make out. Instead of listening to her, however, he was clearly looking at Mindee pulling her stockings off in the set itself. The woman got mad and walked off.
And finally, right before the end of the set a man walked by Mindee while on his cellphone. He practically broke his next checking out Mindee's bare legs on the way by. I told Mindee to hand him her stockings to remember her loud enough for him to hear. She just laughed.
Talk about a memorable shoot!
This theme is also being carried out on the Wu's Feet Links Columns Blog as well. I asked other photographers, webmasters, and foot fetish models to relay some of their more funny experiences from over the years. Be sure to check out that blog entry too.
In honor of this day of fools in April I also wanted to give you a more serious, but still goofy blog entry. What I decided to do was to compile a list 30 funny moments that happened while I was out shooting with my models. You'll see a few models make the list several times, but that's what happens when a model poses for over 1,000, and even 2,000 photos, as some of my models have. Now, onto 30 of the funniest moments from Soles of Silk shoots:
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A few guys were checking out Ashlyn's legs before we even began shooting. |
30 - A Close Shave
Model: AshlynOn the day I shot this set of Ashlyn she was running behind. She actually brought a razor with her and told me once we arrived at the first location that she needed a minute to shave her legs. I just shook my head and laughed.
Ashlyn opened the door to my car so she could extend her leg. Just as she did that a car parked a few spots away. Inside where a few older guys who immediately started checking her out. They looked to be smoking some pot too. Ashlyn and I just laughed and she just kept shaving. I'm sure those guys where like, "Silly white people!"
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Mindee posing for a shot between the numerous times we had to start and stop. |
29 - Too Much Information!
Model: MindeeI sort of feel bad by putting this one on the list, but it's just a goofy moment Mindee and I have brought up a few times in talks since. You'll see why I kind of feel bad about this one when reading below.
While shooting Mindee at a park we were approached by a young 20-something year old male with a fishing net. He introduced himself and said he was trying to catch turtles. You could tell the guy had a bit of a mental impairment. We were nice, however, and let him talk for a few minutes. Which then turned into 10 minutes.
Finally the guy went on his way, but only for a while. He walked around the pond and made his way back for a second time. Once again, we tried to be nice. He, however, was getting into all kinds of things that was starting to get uncomfortable.
Once again he finally walked off and went back to the pond. We got in a few more photos, but yet again here he came! This time, however, he began talking about his sexuality and I was no more. I grabbed my phone and acted like I had to take a call. I was about to call Mindee just so she could excuse herself, but she was a sweetheart and was able to get him on his way again.
After he left us for the third time I grabbed my camera and told her we're doing some really fast clips before he gets back for the fourth time. We did just that and in the nick of time too. He started to come back for that fourth time, but Mindee took my cue and acted like she was on the phone. He left her alone and we cleaned up and went somewhere else to shoot our second set.
I guess this situation wasn't overly funny, but it was just strange and one we can still laugh about when we bring it up. We feel sorry for the guy and the cards he has been dealt, but man, was it ever a peculiar day when we shot this one.
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Colleen caught me on this day! |
28 - TOEtally Busted!
Model: ColleenSo I asked Colleen to do a set wearing her black Converse Chuck Taylor's without socks. She agreed and thought it sounded fun. When I picked her up the following day she was wearing them and said she had been in them for a few hours already that morning. "Was she teasing me?" I wondered.
After driving about an hour to our location on a very hot day we got out of the car and walked right over to this large crane. Since it was so hot I figured I'd be able to pull a fast one and walk around like I needed to scout the area some more. My real intention was to get her feet all hot and moist inside those shoes before she took them off - hopefully to catch a sniff or two.
We walked around for about 15 minutes and I said, "I think we'll just use the crane as a background."
"Uh huh," Colleen said. "I think you just had me walk around to get my feet all sweaty."
I was speechless!
"I know you love my sweaty feet," she added. "Why do you think I wore these all day before you picked me up?"
I just had no words!
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Reagan trying to hurry up and pose before the job fair began. |
27 - Job Fair Position: Foot Fetish Model?
Model: ReaganIn her very first shoot I could have had Reagan represent Soles of Silk at a job fair. Had I only known...
I decided to keep her first shoot simple and shoot at a playground. About 30 minutes into the set a few families came by, but stayed out of the way. We kept shooting. About 15 minutes after that, however, fire trucks, police cars, school buses, and all other kinds of people began to arrive at the park. They set up all kinds of tables and displays. We rushed through the second half of our set before it got too crowded. It turned out a job fair was happening at the park that day.
Guess I should have brought some business cards and photo samples for potential models, huh?
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Nikki finally got to show off her feet at the falls after a really long, uphill hike. |
26 - Hmm... Which Path?
Model: NikkiNikki was after me to shoot by a waterfall. I found one about an hour away and we decided to use it shortly after I got my new camera - the Canon Rebel T3i.
When we arrived at the park we were prompted with two paths to get to the falls. The signs weren't really weren't labelled clearly and Nikki told me to pick which one we'd take. I picked the shorter distance, logically. Well, the shorter distance was also the one over the rocky terrain, up and down large hills, and all that nonsense.
After we finished we decided to take the other trail back just to see the difference. Most of it was paved or consisted of a boardwalk and was very flat. It ended up being 0.1 more miles than the one we took, if I remember correctly. As much as I tried to blame her for not reading the map properly, she would have none of it.
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Kelsey's oily feet prior to a few interruptions. |
25 - Oil Spill
Model: KelseyThis entire set went off without a hitch when Kelsey and I shot it. It wasn't until we decided to shoot the video clip, however, that the craziness ensued.
As soon as we began the clip, the quiet scenery got loud. A goose began quacking away in the background. That damn thing didn't make a peep the entire shoot until now, of course. That's always the way it is with my outdoor clips.
If that wasn't enough, the only people to come by decided to do so while shooting the clip. Here Kelsey is with her oily feet up on the table and a group of teenage boys come by. I didn't even realize it until Kelsey verbally warned me because they had gotten so close - literally about 10-15 feet away. They could obviously see what she and I were doing. Needless to say, Kelsey was all kinds of embarrassed at that point.
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Ryan and I both love roller coasters and did this set in front of a few. |
24 - Shoes Must be Worn at All Times
Model: RyanBoth Ryan and I are a huge fan of roller coasters. With that being the case we decided to head to an amusement park one day and bring the camera along. Now I know I'd probably get yelled at by some park employee for doing photos without permission, so I'm quick to take a few here and there if/when it's slow.
That's exactly what we did on this very hot day. Once the photos were done we were going to walk the camera back to the car when we saw some water jets shooting up out of the sidewalk. I thought it would be cool for Ryan to kick her flip flops off and stick her feet in the water for a couple playful shots. When we did this, however, a ride attendant came over and told Ryan she has to keep her shoes on in the park.
If they only knew she didn't have them on most of the time we had been there...
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Someone caught Aliza's attention while shooting one of her first sets. |
23 - Celebrity Sighting
Model: Aliza
During Aliza's first shoots for Soles of Silk a Hispanic man approach us after a set and wanted to know if he could take a picture with Aliza. He legit seemed like he was in the presence of a famous person. Of course, he wanted me to take the photo.
After I took the photo and handed him back his phone, he then asked her to film him. He then went on to do a 3-4 minute speech. Aliza, however, didn't hit the record button so he wanted to do it again. She handed me his phone instead and he looked so depressed. He wanted her to film it, not me. She waved him off and I got to film him do a much shorter version instead.
"See," I told Aliza, "You're already famous!"
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Mandy and I have lost a lot of time due to interruptions during her sets. |
22 - Interruptions... So Many Interruptions!
Model: Mandy
People walking by in my photo shoots is something that happens regularly since I shoot mostly outdoor sets. I think Mandy holds the records for two of the longest interruptions I've ever experienced during a shoot though.
The first one was during her first shoot when we were shooting next to a water fountain. A woman came by with her child and the kid started to run around the water fountain once... twice... three times... 40 times... 300 times... Seriously, I think 15-20 minutes went by before the kid has his fill of running around in circles. Since he was a kid, I wasn't upset, but the mother acknowledged us and apologized for interrupting our shoot. Instead of letting her kid go around a few times and leading his interests elsewhere, she just sat there and waited.
The second time I shot Mandy we shot on some benches around another water fountain - go figure. This time, about half way into our shoot a group of four adults came by. They appeared to be on a history scavenger hunt through the town where we were shooting. They copied the text of a plaque in the ground... for about 20 minutes. Seriously, that plaque didn't have that many words on it!
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Mosquitoes chewed up Ryan's legs during this shoot. I'm jealous! |
21 - Mosquitoes Suck!
Model: RyanI had found this really scenic area with train tracks and asked Ryan if she'd like to do a set there. She was overly excited and was in love with the setting. What I didn't think about, however, was the near by marsh and what lived there.
Shortly after we began this set Ryan began feeling mosquito bites. It was one here and one there at first. But before long, they were a constant. We rushed the rest of the set along, but by time we got done it was like connect the dots on her legs. You can't see them in the set, however, because I decided to Photoshop them out. In the lower number photos it was just one or two. By the end I was covering up about a dozen. I must say, Ryan still nailed this set with some awesome poses!
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Kimmie only got in a few poses before we were chased away by the police. |
20 - Police Mentality - as in Mental
Model: Kimmie
Immediately after starting this set Kimmie and I were stopped by a police officer. What he then tried to explain to me was one of the dumbest, oddest experiences I've had while shooting.
After flipping on his lights and motioning for me to approach his car, the officer asked me what we were up to. I said, "Just taking some photos."
"Well, do you know what it looks like you're doing?," he asked.
"No," I said.
"What do people do on train tracks," he asked me.
"Hop trains?" I guessed.
"No. What else do people do on train tracks?" he asked.
"I have no idea. I'm just taking some photos on those tracks that aren't used anymore," I told him.
"Suicide," he blurted out. "People commit suicide on train tracks."
"Umm, okay?" I replied.
"They lay their head down on the tracks and let the trains kill him," he explained.
I just looked at him with a dumbfounded look.
"You can shoot for another 10 minutes, but if I come back around later and you're still here I'm writing you a trespassing citation," he explained.
Needless to say, I decided to "kill" this shoot theme, but can assure you, neither Kimmie or myself were planning on killing ourselves.
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The usually clean and neat Carlin loved squishing brownie mix and getting messy in this set. |
19 - Do Not Disturb!
Model: Carlin
You know the sign you hang on the doors when you don't want house cleaning to come into your room? Well, Carlin and I surely had to hang it while shooting these sets. After we got done, however, house cleaning certainly needed to get in there!
One of our first sets involved us spreading rose petals out on the bed. I asked Carlin if she thought if they'd stain the sheet. She said she didn't think so. Well, it actually did!
From there we moved to the kitchen for her brownie mix set. As you can see, her feet were a mess! So was the counter top, the floor, and especially the towels she used to clean them up with. She left chocolate footprints wherever she walked too. We tried to rinse them out, but to no avail.
The final set we did was with Nerds candy, which she stuck between her toes. Of course she dropped a few into the cracks of the couch and underneath of it that we just left there at that point.
I made sure we threw the bed sheet and now-brown towels into the laundry shoot. I'm sure the floor and counter top was still somewhat sticky and there was no way those Nerds were getting cleaned up without a vacuum.
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I wasn't the only one watching Wendy as she posed for this set. |
18 - This Little Indian Followed Us
Model: Wendy
The second time Wendy posed for Soles of Silk we made use of a large park that featured a number of trails, a waterfall, and some other historic locations.
In the middle of the shoot at the waterfall Wendy noticed someone looking at her from the trees. It was a guy dressed in full Indian garb. He then left and we wondered where he went. A little while later he returned guiding a tour through the area.
Later on we tried to shoot at a second location and the same thing happened. The Indian gentleman watched us from a distance, but this time he wasn't giving any tours. It kind of creeped us out, so we went and shot somewhere outside the park.
We later found out that the guy is just someone who comes to the park and gives people tours and information on his own. He just enjoys it. I wonder if he enjoyed Wendy too, or if he was just being nosey?
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My French classes finally paid off while shooting this set of Ryan. |
17 - Parlez Vous Francais?
Model: Ryan
When Ryan and I were wrapping up this set a group of French guys walked by. The one made a statement that contained the French word for hot and I could tell by the way they were talking, they were admiring Ryan.
I said, "Ryan, those guys just said you look hot."
Needless to say, the guy who said it was shocked and all of his friends started laughing at them. I guess those four years of French class in middle and high school finally paid off for something.
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Wendy ended up having to explain to a friend why she was having photos taken during this set. |
16 - Friends are Always There...
Model: Wendy
While shooting Wendy last time she mentioned that she had a friend who might pose with her for a set. The girl ultimately decided against it though, so it was just Wendy and I going around town to do some photos.
During our set by the lake two female joggers were approaching. Wendy quickly noticed them as her friends. The one was the girl who decided not to pose and the other was apparently their drama queen, opinionated friend. Wendy didn't want her to know what she was doing, so she was going to have to explain her way out of this.
The friend who knew about the site tried to get the other friend to keep jogging, but the opinionated friend stopped. Wendy came up with the story that we were college friends and I was a photographer that she'd sometimes help when I need photos for my work. None of those things were lies, so sounded good to me. The friend still seemed confused by the situation, but the other friend was finally able to persuade her that they had to get back home.
Situation adverted!
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Talk about some smelly little feet - Ashlyn has them! |
15 - These Boots are Made for Stinking
Model: AshlynThe first time I met up with Ashlyn she was so shy. I don't think anyone was as timid as she was for her first shoot and what happened during that first set sure did make her totally embarrassed on top of it.
I decided to go with boots for her first set. She brought them and swore she loved them so much that she wore them almost every day. Now I was hoping they'd be smelly, but when she took them off... BOOM! I could smell them a few feet away. It wasn't bad to me, obviously, but I said to her, "Wow, I can smell your boots over there."
Ashlyn was like, "No way!"
I said, "Yes way," and grabbed them and took a sniff.
"Eww, don't sniff my boots. They're sweaty," she said.
I just laughed and told her I'm one guy who doesn't mind. I then teased her all day about it and still do today.
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Mindee brought a little helper for this set - her daughter and I didn't know what to do. |
14 - Feeling Blue... & Awkward
Model: Mindee
So I had the idea to do a set with a bunch of blue balls for some time. Mindee, like everything else she's done, pulled it off perfectly. But it wasn't the set that was goofy - even though it kind of is. What made this set just the funny experience it turned out to be was because Mindee brought her daughter with her.
Now, Mindee's kids both know me as we've been friends for a long time. They also know I'm a photographer and I do some photos with their mother. They're never usually around when we've shot, but they've wandered in on a shoot a time or two. Since I don't do anything adult, it just looks like normal photos. Her daughter, however, caught her sending selfie photos of her pedicure to me and asked if I'm taking photos of her pedicure. Mindee said yes to explain it away. So when her daughter came to the shoot, she didn't think anything odd of me taking photos of her mom's feet. Mindee is good like that! And the blue ball theme was totally over her head.
When we went to set up the shoot we both figured her daughter would go off and play at the playground. Instead she said, "I want to help."
I didn't really know what to say, but Mindee said, "OK."
She didn't really do all too much, but every once in a while a ball or two would roll away due to the wind. She couldn't wait to run and grab it to "help out." Just to entertain her, I told her she could always throw them at Mindee and that I'd protect her.
"You're mom's being mean," I said - referring to the fact that Mindee was teasing me since we had a blue ball theme going on.
At the end of the set Mindee's daughter wanted to help us clean up all of the props. While doing so she said, "I can't wait to turn 16!"
I looked at Mindee and asked, "Why? Does she want to drive already?"
"No," Mindee said. "She wants to pose for you."
Mindee then looked at her daughter and said, "You have to be 18."
"Even worse!" her daughter said.
I laughed and asked why that even came up. Mindee said she asked if Mr. Patrick would take photos of her toes too because they got their pedicures together and she loves having pictures taken. That's when Mindee just said to her she needs to be older and left it at that.
"She's a little Mindee," I said.
"I know, right?" Mindee replied.
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I swear that's a mixture of baby oil and lotion on Madison's feet. |
13 - That's a Lot of... Umm... Baby Oil & Lotion
Model: MadisonI'm not going to say too much on this one, but I decided to give something a try and Madison agreed to be the one to do it. A lot of fans ask for sets with lotion. A lot of fans also ask for sets with baby oil. I got the genius idea to combine them both into one shoot.
Well the "outcome," pun totally intended, looked a lot like something else - kind of like DNA found in all the crime scenes on TV cop dramas. I swear it's not. If it was, I'm in the wrong business!
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Mileena has become quite used to mother nature in her sets - including the animal kingdom. |
12 - What is this? A Zoo?
Model: Mileena
It seems like odd wildlife situations happen whenever I shoot with Mileena. And I'm talking odd!
The first time we shot we parked in a parking lot near a pond. She was using my 350Z to do a set. I thought the pond in the background looked nice. Plus, it was away from prying eyes. By the end of the shoot, however, we had a flock of geese come up from the water and surround my car. They literally followed me around and quacked non-stop.
A couple of years later we did a day trip to Western Maryland and West Virginia. We didn't run into any wildlife issues during the shoot, but one heck of one on the way home. It was a four hour drive to get home on some really dark roads through mountains. Out of nowhere, about two hours into the drive, two police cars come by. The one speeds ahead and the second stays back and throws on his lights. He starts doing a back and forth pattern through both lanes and did it very slowly. Traffic went to a crawl.
This lasted for about 15 minutes and finally the officer stopped in the middle of the highway. A bunch of cars were now behind me. The officer got out of his car and came up to my window. He asked me to be patient as there was a report of cows walking around on the highway ahead.
I looked at Mileena and we just both laughed. If I had hit one going about 80mph in my 350Z... Ouch!
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Mindee realized just how sweaty Cierra's feet can get. |
11 - Sweating the Little Things
Models: Mindee & Cierra
I have shot both Mindee and Cierra since I started Soles of Silk in 2004. There first time shooting together, however, was memorable - and quite embarrassing for Cierra.
In the set I had the girls pull off each other's shoes and socks. When Mindee pulled off Cierra's socks her feet were soaked with sweat. Mindee reacted, "Oh my god! Your feet are so sweaty!"
Cierra blushed big time and tried pulling her feet away. I laughed and pointed out all the sock fuzzies clinging to her damp toes. Cierra begged us to stop teasing her, but of course, we didn't.
It's funny that Cierra's feet are always this way in her shoots, but I never even realized it until this set. I'm just glad Cierra isn't embarrassed by it now and knows that's something we all love about her little feet.
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A pizza man took interest in these twins until he saw a Star Wars Lego set. |
10 - Delivering a Large Sausage? Nope...
Models: Bridgette & Felicia
I planned a shoot with Felicia and her debuting twin sister, Bridgette, in early December 2014. Our goal was to shoot a handful of sets including a Christmas and New Year's set along with some solo ones of each. Doing so many sets, however, we got hungry and decided to order a pizza.
When the pizza man knocked on the door I still had all my photo lights on. The guy stepped up to the door and began looking inside the room. He obviously saw the lights and then saw both twins sitting inside with T-shirts, shorts, and I think Felicia was in knee high socks. Needless to say, the pizza man was speechless. He looked like he thought he wandered into a porn scene.
"Photo lights... Girls... Hmm, must be a photo shoot," he said.
That's when he saw the Lego Star Wars AT-AT I gave Felicia for one of her shoots. From that point on, he didn't care what we were shooting and began talking Star Wars. I paid him, shut the door and we all just laughed.
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I wasn't the only one wanting to eat this funnel cake on Kellie's feet. |
9 - This is for the Birds
Model: Kellie
In this set Kellie and I were being daring. She smashed a funnel cake right on the entrance to the boardwalk at Rehobeth Beach in Delaware. People walked by, but we didn't care. But it wasn't until the video clip came that the funny moment happened.
As Kellie was ripping apart the funnel cake and sticking it between her powder sugar covered toes, she flipped a piece out a a sea gull. Well, that brought down about a dozen other sea gulls in the air and they began chirping away. A few flew down very close to Kellie and it startled her big time.
After the clip Kellie told me to remind her to never feed the birds during a shoot. I just laughed and said I will.
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We couldn't get Charlee's feet clean after her very first shoot. |
8 - Hulk Smash! Popsicles
Model: Charlee
This was Charlee's first set for Soles of Silk. We decided to have her smash popsicles and let them melt all over her feet out in the hot sun. Everything went according to plan until the end.
I pulled out some water and a towel and Charlee tried to clean off her feet. We wanted to shoot another set afterward. One problem... Her feet were green from the popsicles and it wasn't coming off. She and I both scrubbed her feet for like half an hour - even using hand sanitizer. It just didn't work.
Charlee and I ended up going back to my place so she could stick her feet in the bathtub and use soap. Within two minutes her feet were back to normal. Why didn't we just do that from the start?
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Aspen's feet got dirty after this set and not from the sand or dirt. |
7 - The Worst Cleanup Crew
Model: Aspen
After Aspen and I finished shooting a few sets out on a few secluded beaches in Seaside Heights, NJ, we decided to head back up town and shoot on the boardwalk. On the way I told Aspen to film her feet hanging out the car window for a self-shot clip.
When Aspen was done shooting the clip she pulled her feet back in the car and we noticed a black stain from the rubber window seal on her feet. We tried to rub it off, but no luck. We tried water, hand sanitizer, and even baby oil. With no luck we stopped at a drug store to buy some rubbing alcohol. It was the only thing I could think of that might take the stain off. I didn't want to do sets with a black line going across her heel.
After we left the drug store Aspen began rubbing the alcohol on a cloth and it slowly started to come off her feet, but it took some doing. I was just so shocked at how much trouble it was to get this line off her feet.
A few moments later I look over and see Aspen trying to rub another black mark off her leg.
"I got it up here too," she said.
"Umm, that's a bruise, silly!" I told her.
She just had this look on her face and we busted out laughing. We then went onto the boardwalk and got in a set before it began to rain.
The next day when I unpacked from our trip I went to put the rubbing alcohol away and noticed we actually bought hydrogen peroxide. Wow... So not only was Aspen trying to rub a bruise off her leg, I bought hydrogen peroxide! Worst cleanup crew ever!
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I wasn't the only one who got foot pictures of Charlee on the day we shot this set. |
6 - Text Message Mix Up
Model: CharleeAfter photo shoots with Charlee... OK, more like before, during, and after photo shoots with Charlee she asks me... no, tells me to rub her feet. Of course, I'm all about that life. I've done so for many hours!
Well, after the sets we did on the day we shot the one above, Charlee decided to take some photos of me rubbing her feet without my knowledge. I just sat there rubbing away.
"Did you get them?" she asked.
"Get what?" I replied.
"I just sent you photos of you rubbing my feet," she said.
"No. Not yet," I told her. "I didn't even see you take them."
I went about rubbing her feet for a while longer and that when Charlee said, "Oh shit."
Apparently Charlee accidentally sent the photos of me rubbing her feet to the guy she was talking to at the time. All he sent back was sad face emoji icons. I asked her if he's going to want to kill me now. She said no, so I just kept on rubbing like she instructed.
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My face was all up Carmen's feet in a very public place after this set. |
5 - Don't Be a Pussy
Model: Carmen
On the day I set out to shoot this and some other sets with Carmen I mentioned to her that I would love to have a few photos of her with her feet on my face for a Wu's Feet Links Forum avatar image. She agreed and I was so looking forward to it.
When we finished the shoot above, I began walking back to the car and Carmen stopped me.
"Aren't we shooting some with my feet on your face?" she asked.
I said, "Yeah. We can do it back at the car."
"Let's just do it here," she said.
Now there was a bus stop a few yards away and they were already chuckling at us taking foot photos. I wasn't thinking of doing the ones with her feet on my face there, but that's when Carmen threw out the challenge.
"C'mon! Don't be a pussy!" Carmen said.
I just looked at her, got on my knees and handed her the camera. She put her feet all over my face and you could clearly hear the people waiting for the bus laughing their asses off. Of course Carmen took forever to take every photo too - slowly rubbing them all over my face and pinching my nose. Of course I'm complaining about her feet being on my face for an extended period of time, though. It was just so embarrassing having all those people seeing it done.
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I wanted to taste the cookies Cierra made with her feet, but her roommate beat me to it. |
4 - Cookie Monster
Model: Cierra
Cierra is always wanting to step in stuff in her sets - mainly food. When I mentioned chocolate chip cookie dough, Cierra was all about it! Good thing too because I love the stuff and would gladly eat whatever she stepped in. The thing is, I wasn't the one who did.
We shot this set in two parts. The first was her putting the cookie dough onto her feet and a cookie sheet. She then put the tray into the oven and cooked it. Cierra did the second half of the set with the cookies themselves.
After Cierra left the room to cleanup after the set I moved my photo lights into a bedroom to shoot the next set. While that was going on Cierra's roommate came home and saw the cookies and started to eat them. When Cierra realized it coming out of the bathroom, she just looked at me and I just looked at her. We held back the laughter until her roommate went into her room. Apparently they tasted real good too, according to the roommate. Must have been all that extra foot sweat Cierra is known for? I ate a bunch of them after that, jealous I didn't get the first one.
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Someone in a van thought Marcy and I were "fucking weirdos" when he saw us shooting this set. |
3 - The Mud Bath... Sorta
Model: Marcy
Marcy and I were scheduled to shoot on what turned out to be a rainy day. I called her to see if she still wanted to since it had been raining steady all day. She said yes and to come over anyhow.
On the way over I texted her and said we should do a set of her stepping in the mud. She loved the idea and said she was grabbing her outfit.
When I picked her up she said she didn't care if the outfit she was in got muddy. I told her it was only cuffs of her jeans she'd have to worry about.
"No, I'm getting all in that mud," she said.
"I was only thinking your feet, but I'm game," I replied.
We went to a local park and she literally got right down into a mud puddle without a second thought. About half way through the set, however, a white work van pulled over and the driver rolled down the window.
"You fucking weirdos!" he yelled and drove away.
Marcy and I just laughed and went back to shooting this unique set.
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These four girls totally pissed off an older woman who was mad at what we were doing. |
2 - If You Can Dodge a Dildo, You Can Dodge a Ball
Models: Kellie, Carmen, Kimmie, & Cheri
I was always a fan of dodge ball and wanted to do a set with some knee high socks and several models at once. I got Kellie, Carmen, Kimmie, and Cheri to agree. Cierra was supposed to come also, but something came up.
We began shooting the set and no one was around at all. We were being silly and having a good time and then an older couple came. They went to the tennis courts next to the basketball courts we were using.
When the couple took to the court it was only possible for one of them to see what we were doing. There was a concrete wall diving the two courts that blocked us from the view of the left side of the court. Well, the wife saw what we were doing and we could all tell she was upset about it. Then within a few minutes she began complaining to her husband loud enough for us to hear. After their match the husband and wife switched sides. Now the husband could see the girls and that's when the girls decided to fuck with the wife - I had nothing to do with it either.
"Where's that dildo?" Kellie asked real loud.
"Right here," Carmen responded just as loud.
"It's so big!" Cheri shouted.
"I've had bigger," Kimmie said.
They were trying to piss the wife off big time. Her comments and attitude toward what we were doing just egged the girls on even more. I just shook my head and laughed.
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This was probably the only time Mindee's stockings were all the way up the day we shot this. |
1 - Don't Get Your Thigh Highs in a Bunch!
Model: Mindee
With the popularity of Mindee's nude pantyhose set on Soles of Silk I asked her if she'd be up for doing another nude hose set - this time, with thigh high stockings. She was immediately on board, as always.
The original location for this set was a train station outside of the city where I thought we could be alone. Well, it was closed for construction and we didn't get to shoot it. Instead we held off for a few months and shot the set downtown, not too far away from Oriole Park at Camden Yards.
I parked the car a couple of blocks away from the train station I had in mind to use instead. Mindee decided to pull the stockings while we were in the car still. I asked her if she wanted to wait until we got there, but she said no.
Once we were ready we began walking toward the station. As we neared the intersection nearby, Mindee said she could feel her thigh highs slipping down her legs. Right at that moment they dropped so low that you could see them below the bottom of her dress. Of course there was people all around us waiting to cross. Mindee just grabbed them with a wide-eyed look and tried to fix them. Then the crossing signal turned and we had to start walking.
Mindee gave the stockings one last tug, but about halfway across the street and they dropped down again, really low this time. With an outdoor seating area for a restaurant on the other side of the intersection, a ton of people saw her. Mindee was so embarrassed.
"Where are we going to shoot this?" Mindee asked.
"Right there," I said pointing about 100 feet away.
"Right there?" Mindee asked knowing everyone that just saw her playing with her stockings will still be within range of looking at her.
"Yup, right there," I said laughing.
Mindee just shook her head and pulled her stockings back up and walked over to the area. I just kept laughing and told her we're going to remember this for a long time. She agreed.
A few minutes into the shoot a couple was sitting off to the side on a bench. The woman was bitching to her man about something I couldn't make out. Instead of listening to her, however, he was clearly looking at Mindee pulling her stockings off in the set itself. The woman got mad and walked off.
And finally, right before the end of the set a man walked by Mindee while on his cellphone. He practically broke his next checking out Mindee's bare legs on the way by. I told Mindee to hand him her stockings to remember her loud enough for him to hear. She just laughed.
Talk about a memorable shoot!
This theme is also being carried out on the Wu's Feet Links Columns Blog as well. I asked other photographers, webmasters, and foot fetish models to relay some of their more funny experiences from over the years. Be sure to check out that blog entry too.
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