Alice's Arrival
I love Alice and all she's done for the site in such a short time. By the title you're probably wondering what this blog could possibly be about. Many of you know that Alice arrived in May 2015 on Soles of Silk , so yeah, I can see the confusion. The title isn't one to be taken literally though, instead, more figuratively. Let me explain. Throughout 2015 Alice posed for 11 total sets, which is kind of neat in itself since her feet are a size 11. And no, that wasn't done intentionally. Anyhow, she easily posed for more sets in her first year on the site than any other rookie model in the site's history. Due to this feat alone, Alice was one of the three models, along with Mindee and Kaycee , to be named a star model in 2015 (see blog: " Soles of Silk - 2015 Star Models "). Having so much content of Alice to publish on the site, she's been going up on a regular basis since her debut. Her fan base has grown due to this alone. It isn't just