The 10 Most Infamous Cereal Killers

October has come and gone. A total of 10 sets were published during the month, each one themed to cereal - namely smashed cereal under numerous models' bare feet. This is how the Cereal Killers gimmick was born. Originally my plan was to feature one set per week, for a total of five sets throughout the month. Somehow, however, I miscounted and shot a sixth set. Instead of leaving one off, I decided to double down and do a double update for each week. I shot four more sets so that I'd have a total of 10 going up over the course of the month. Each and every one of the sets was super fun to shoot. All the models involved had a great time shooting these. I've always talked about how much the girls all seem to love squishing some fun foods under their feet - these 10 sets showcased that in spades. At the end of every year I always do a 10 Favorite Sets list for all the sets published over the course of the year. With there being 10 sets from this event, I thought it might ...