The Where's Wendy? Contest


Soles of Silk's second contest of 2014 has begun! This time you don't have to brush up on any trivia or facts, instead you have to find Wendy and her heavenly size 8 feet!

Contest Description

Two images of Wendy (found below) have been randomly placed on the pages of Soles of Silk. If you see one, be the first person to e-mail me the URL found below the image to win either the 1-month or 3-month membership prize.

Contest Rules

- The 1-month membership image can be found in the guest area. - Prized Already Claimed

- The 3-month membership image can be found in the members area. - Prize Already Claimed

- Only the first person to e-mail the proper URL will win the prize.

- The URLs to be emailed are found BELOW the images themselves. DO NOT send me the URL to the images themselves. If you do, your answer will not count.

- There is no deadline as the contest will run until each prize has been claimed.

- Only one prize can be claimed per person. However, if you find both images, it will not hurt to include both URLs in case one or the other has already been discovered.

- Winners from the 2013 Soles of Silk Trivia Contest are not eligible to win.

* Please note: I will try my hardest to remove said images once the prize has been claimed. This being said, it is possible they will remain for a period of time after someone has won due to the fact that I might not be where I can get to the computer. If someone has already won the prize attached to the URL you e-mail me, I will reply telling you so.


(1) 3-month membership - awarded to the first person to find the proper image below ** PRIZE ALREADY CLAIMED; IMAGE HAS BEEN REMOVED**

(1) 1-month membership - awarded to the first person to find the proper image below ** PRIZE ALREADY CLAIMED; IMAGE HAS BEEN REMOVED**

The Images

3-month prize image (Members Area)

1-month prize image (Guest Area) - Already Claimed
