
Showing posts with the label toe spread

Sunday's Shoot - Alice's Selfies

Having a little fun with Alice today while she used a selfie stick during her set. Look up there! Look at Alice having a blast spreading her toes as wide as they an go! Look at me staring on in amazement on just how far she's got them apart from the other. That happened in between photos during Alice's first set today that she did with the selfie stick (see blog: " Sunday's Shoot - Alice "). You see, I thought it might be fun to have her take some photos of herself as I was shooting photos of her. She loved the idea and did just that. Of course, I couldn't help but walk behind her for a few as well. This blog marks the first time I've ever done a sister blog to any of my shoot entries. This, however, warrants it. Sure, I could have inserted all these photos into the main entry, but these deserve their own little space. The photos are all over the place and some are kind of funny.  All of these photos were taken by Alice, herself. And while she ...